
A python module for converting csv files to sqlite and back.

csv, sqlite, converting
pip install pycsvtosqliteroh==0.0.1



The pycsvtosqliteroh module is a module to convert csv to sqlite and back.

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting started
    1. Prerequisites
    2. Installation
  3. How to use
    1. How to import
    2. Using the module
    3. Using the cli
  4. Releasing
  5. License


I've written this module to bulk convert csv files into sqlite tables. The database is used as a test database in another project.

The supported delimiters for the .csv file are "," and ";".

All testfiles in the testfiles folder, are created via powershell, using the Export-Csv cmdlet with different delimiters.

You can now convert csv to sqlite as well as sqlite to csv. When exporting a sqlite table to .csv the delimiter is "," by default.

Getting started


  • Python installed
  • Operatingsystem: Linux or Windows, not tested on mac
  • IDE like VS Code, if you want to contribute or change the code


There are two ways to install this module depending on the way you work and the preinstalled modules:

  1. pip install pycsvtosqliteroh
  2. python -m pip install pycsvtosqliteroh

How to use

How to Import

You can import the module in two ways:

import pycsvtosqliteroh
  • This will import all functions. Even the ones that are not supposed to be used (helper functions).
from pycsvtosqliteroh import *
  • This will import only the significant functions, meant for using.

Using the module

Depending on the way you imported the module, the following examples look a bit different.

Example 1: Converting csv to sqlite.

# Import module.
from pycsvtosqliteroh import *
# Create object and than convert to sqlite table.
csvobj = CsvToSqlite(file, database)

Example 2: Converting sqlite table to csv file.

# Import module.
from pycsvtosqliteroh import *
# Create object and than convert to .csv file.
sqliteobj = SqliteToCsv(file, database, tablename)

Using the cli

To show the help run the following command:

python -m pycsvtosqliteroh.main -h


usage: [-h] [-file FILE] [-db DATABASE] [-table TABLENAME]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -file FILE, --file FILE
                        Csv file that will be converted.
  -db DATABASE, --database DATABASE
                        Sqlite database.
  -table TABLENAME, --tablename TABLENAME
                        Sqlite table.

Using the conversion:

Converts a .csv file to a sqlite table:

python -m pycsvtosqliteroh --file "Filename" --database "TestDb.sqlite"

Converts a sqlite table to a .csv file:

python -m pycsvtosqliteroh --file "NewFileCreated" --database "TestDb.sqlite" --table "Tablename"


Releases are published automatically when a tag is pushed to GitHub.

# Create release variable.
$Release = "x.x.x"
# Create commit.
git commit --allow-empty -m "Release $Release"
# Create tag.
git tag -a $Release -m "Version $Release"
# Push from original.
git push origin --tags
# Push from fork.
git push upstream --tags
