A Python Client Interface for the Daisi Platform

Daisi, SDK
pip install pydaisi==0.3.0rc5


About PyDaisi

Full documentation on the features of the PyDaisi client, as well as the platform itself, are available at the Daisi Documentation. Below is a quick overview of the basic PyDaisi usage:

Installing PyDaisi

PyDaisi can be installed with PIP:

  • pip install --upgrade pydaisi

Using PyDaisi

You can execute a Daisi simply by:

  1. Connecting to the Daisi
  2. Calling a top-level function fo that Daisi, providing arguments as needed

In this example, we connect to the Titanic Statistic Daisi, and call two different top-level functions (median and percentile):

from pydaisi import Daisi

# instantiate a Daisi object
daisi = Daisi("Titanic Statistics")

# call a Daisi function. You can also use positional parameters: daisi.median("Age")
med = daisi.median(field="Age")

print(f"Median Age of Titanic Passengers was: {med.value}")
print(f"10th Percentile of Titanic Passengers' Ages was: {daisi.percentile('Age', .1).value}")