
Tools for reading files from the Decima game engine.

pip install pydecima==1.0.1



This package contains a reader utility for .core files used by the Decima game engine, intended for use in exporting assets and datamining. Using PyDecima, resources from one or multiple Decima .cores can be deserialized into Python objects and loaded into a dictionary to enable lookup by their identifier UUID, as well as simple following of cross-file references.



The primary use of this package is through the reader module, which can be used in a script like so:

import pydecima

output_dict = {}
pydecima.reader.set_globals(_game_root=r'C:\HZD_extracted_files', _decima_version='HZDPC')
pydecima.reader.read_objects(r'C:\HZD_extracted_files\localized\sentences\aigenerated\aloy\sentences.core', output_dict)

The above script will populate the output_dict variable with all the resources contained inside the specified .core. _decima_version accepts values of "HZDPC" (default), "HZDPS4", or "DSPC", although currently there is very little support for Death Stranding resource formats. _game_root should be set to the root of your extracted Decima files, and is necessary to enable reference following. An alternative parameter, _game_root_file, can be used, which expects a plaintext file containing only the path that would normally be passed into _game_root. This can be convenient for scripts, since the root path can be stored in a persistent file instead of being entered by the user at runtime.

Parsing resources

With the output_dict variable populated, we can easily iterate through the resources in a .core and read some data.

from pydecima.resources import SentenceResource
from pydecima.enums import ETextLanguages

for resource in output_dict.values():
    if isinstance(resource, SentenceResource):
        localized_text = resource.text.follow(output_dict)
        if localized_text is not None:
            print(f'{}: {localized_text.language[ETextLanguages.English]}')

The above script will produce a printout of every subtitled line in a dialogue file, prefaced by its internal name.