How do we measure the degradation of a machine learning process? Why does the performance of our predictive models decrease? Maybe it is that a data source has changed (one or more variables) or maybe what changes is the relationship of these variables with the target we want to predict. `pydrift` tries to facilitate this task to the data scientist, performing this kind of checks and somehow measuring that degradation.

pip install pydrift==0.2.15


Welcome to pydrift 0.2.15

How do we measure the degradation of a machine learning process? Why does the performance of our predictive models decrease? Maybe it is that a data source has changed (one or more variables) or maybe what changes is the relationship of these variables with the target we want to predict. pydrift tries to facilitate this task to the data scientist, performing this kind of checks and somehow measuring that degradation.

Install pydrift

With pip:

pip install pydrift

With conda:

conda install -c conda-forge pydrift

With poetry

poetry add pydrift


This is intended to be user-friendly. pydrift is divided into DataDriftChecker and ModelDriftChecker:

  • DataDriftChecker: searches for drift in the variables, check if their distributions have changed
  • ModelDriftChecker: searches for drift in the relationship of the variables with the target, checks that the model behaves the same way for both data sets

Both can use a discriminative model (defined by parent class DriftChecker), where the target would be binary in belonging to one of the two sets, 1 if it is the left one and 0 on the contrary. If the model is not able to differentiate given the two sets, there is no difference!

Class inheritance

It also exists InterpretableDrift and DriftCheckerEstimator:

  • InterpretableDrift: manages all of the stuff related to interpretability of drifting. It can show us the features distribution or the most important features when we are training a discriminative model or our predictive one
  • DriftCheckerEstimator: allows pydrift to be used as a sklearn estimator, it works lonely or in a pipeline, like any sklearn estimator


You can take a look to the notebooks folder where you can find one example for generic DriftChecker, one for DataDriftChecker and other one for ModelDriftChecker.

Correct Notebooks Render

Because pydrift uses plotly and GitHub performs a static render of the notebooks figures do not show correctly. For a rich view of the notebook, you can visit nbviewer and paste the link to the notebook you want to show, for example if you want to render 1-Titanic-Drift-Demo.ipynb you have to paste into nbviewer.

More Info

For more info check the docs available here

More demos and code improvements will coming, if you want to contribute you can contact me (, in the future I will upload a file to explain how this would work.