
Python wrapper for Evermizer

pip install pyevermizer==0.48.0



Python wrapper for Secret of Evermore Randomizer from

This is used in Archipelago cross-game multiworld randomizer.

Import from package

  • Install from PyPI via pip install pyevermizer
  • Or download a release and pip install it
  • Or clone, build and install a wheel from source using
    git clone --recurse-submodules
    python3 -m build --wheel
    pip install dist/*.whl

Import from source

  • Clone with submodules using
    git clone --recurse-submodules
  • Simply import the cloned repo, it will auto-compile or run through cppyy. Either a C compiler or cppyy is required.


main(src: Path, dst: Path, placement: Path, apseed: str, apslot: str, seed: int, flags: str,
     money: int, exp: int, switches: list[str])  # create a randomized rom
get_locations() -> List[Location]  # returns a list of all non-sniff locations
get_sniff_locations() -> List[Location]  # returns a lof of all sniff spots
get_items() -> List[Item]  # returns a lost of all vanilla non-sniff items
get_sniff_items() -> List[Item]  # returns a list of vanilla sniff spot items
get_extra_items() -> List[Item]  # returns all extra items that can be placed, but are not vanilla
get_traps() -> List[Item]  # returns all traps that can be placed
get_logic() -> List[Location]  # returns the logic as real and pseudo locations for all locations that provide progress
P_...  # some progression IDs

class Location:
    name: str
    type: int  # location type, i.e. gourd, alchemy, boss
    index: int  # location index for each location type. (type, index) gives a unique ID
    difficulty: int  # difficulty 0..2 for bad/hidden spots
    requires: List[Tuple[int, int]]  # list of (amount, progression) required to reach the spot
    provides: List[Tuple[int, int]]  # list of (amount, progression) provided by reaching the spot

class Item:
    name: str
    progression: bool
    useful: bool
    type: int  # vanilla location type or extra location type, i.e. gourd, alchemy, boss, trap
    index: int  # item index for each location type. (type, index) gives a unique ID
    provides: List[Tuple[int, int]]  # list of (amount, progression) provided by obtaining the item

See Archipelago/worlds/soe for a complete example.