
pygeoapi plugins

cgs, pygeoapi, geopython
pip install pygeoapi-plugins==0.1.0



pygeoapi plugins developed by the Center for Geospatial Solutions

OGC API - Features

CGS additional feature providers are listed below, along with a matrix of supported query parameters.

Provider Property Filters/Display Result Type BBox Datetime Sort By Skip Geometry CQL Transactions CRS
CKAN / results/hits
PsuedoPostgreSQL / results/hits
SPARQL / results/hits

The provider names listed in the table are only accessible in internetofwater/pygeoapi, otherwise the full python path is required.


The CKAN Provider enables OGC API - Feature support at the collection level for a specific resource within the datastore-search endpoints of CKAN instances. It allows you to integrate CKAN resources into your pygeoapi instance. The provider definition for the CKAN Provider includes configuration options specific to CKAN. To use the CKAN Provider, you need to specify pygeoapi_plugins.provider.ckan.CKANProvider as the provider's name.

      - type: feature
        name: pygeoapi_plugins.provider.ckan.CKANProvider
        resource_id: 08369d21-520b-439e-97e3-5ecb50737887
        id_field: _id
        x_field: LONDD
        y_field: LATDD

In this example, the CKAN Provider is configured to work with the specified CKAN resource.

  • data: The URL endpoint for the datastore search API of the CKAN instance.
  • resource_id: The identifier of the specific CKAN resource you want to access within the datastore.
  • id_field: The field that serves as the unique identifier for features in the CKAN resource.
  • x_field: The field representing the X-coordinate (longitude) for the features in the CKAN resource.
  • y_field: The field representing the Y-coordinate (latitude) for the features in the CKAN resource.


The PseudoPostgresSQL Provider adds a simple capacity to the PostgresSQL Provider in pygeoapi core - faster counting. This is done by performing a pseudo-count on tables exceeding a definable limit. The limit is defined using the PSEUDO_COUNT_LIMIT environment variable. To use the PseudoPostgresSQL Provider, you need to specify pygeoapi_plugins.provider.postgresql.PseudoPostgreSQLProvider as the provider's name.


The SPARQL Provider is a wrapper for any pygeoapi feature provider that provides additional context, allowing integration of SPARQL-based data sources into a pygeoapi instance. By wrapping another feature provider, the SPARQL Provider inherits queryable capacities from the wrapped feature provider - adding SPARQL context to each resulting feature. The provider definition for the SPARQL Provider is similar to that of the wrapped provider, with the addition of specific SPARQL-related configuration options. To use the SPARQL Provider, you need to specify pygeoapi_plugins.provider.sparql.SPARQLProvider as the provider's name.

      - type: feature
        name: pygeoapi_plugins.provider.sparql.SPARQLProvider
        data: /pygeoapi_plugins/tests/data/ne_110m_populated_places_simple.geojson
        id_field: id
        sparql_provider: GeoJSON
        sparql_subject: uri
          leader: dbpedia2:leaderName|dbp:leaderName
          population: dbo:populationTotal|dbp:populationCensus

In this example, the SPARQL Provider wraps the GeoJSON Provider. The SPARQL Provider only uses variables prefixed with sparql_ in the configuration.

  • data: The path to the data file used by the wrapped provider (GeoJSON Provider in this case).
  • id_field: The field that serves as the unique identifier for features in the data.
  • sparql_provider: The name of the provider that will handle the SPARQL query results (GeoJSON Provider in this case).
  • sparql_endpoint: The SPARQL endpoint URL to query for data.
  • sparql_subject: The SPARQL variable representing the subject URI in the query.
  • sparql_predicates: A mapping of attribute names to SPARQL predicates. These predicates will be used to query specific attributes in the SPARQL data source.

OGC API - Processes

CGS provides an intersection process, using OGC API - Features Part 3: Filtering to return CQL intersections of features. An example configuration in a pygeoapi configuration is below.

    type: process
      name: pygeoapi_plugins.process.intersect.IntersectionProcessor

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