
An utility to archive Mails from GMail accounts.

gmail, imap, archive
pip install pygmailarchive==0.3.1


pygmailarchive a commandline tool to archive a GMail account to a local Maildir directory.

This tool is licensed under the "Simplified BSD License", see LICENSE for details.

pygmailarchive downloads all mails from your GMail account via IMAP, storing them in the same structure
as they are presented on the IMAP server. This means all your labels and sub-labels will be converted into
Maildir folders in the destination folder.

You can exclude certain labels or even a complete label-hierarchy easily. This is useful for people having
lists or emails that are already archived elsewhere.

Subsequent executions of the tool will download all mails that haven't been fetched so far, the tool keeps
a list of 'already seen mails' along with the Maildir's.

The main intent is to copy the Mails from gmail to your own machine to archive or backup them.

 * Python 2.7
 * IMAPClient (

Howto use:
pygmailarchive gmailarchive/

See pygmailarchive --help for more options