
pip install pyinvoke==1.0.4



pyinvoke is a simple module that is used to invoked Python applications using a full function specifier, similar to distlib entrypoints.

The key advantage is that the Python application you want to run will be loaded as its proper module instead of as the __main__ module. pyinvoke will be the __main__ module for this operation.

One of the motivating cases where pyinvoke comes in handy is the following:

$ python -m module.main
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "module/", line 7, in <module>
    from .stuff import ham
SystemError: Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import

To run the application with pyinvoke:

$ python3 -m pyinvoke module.main:main

Applications that depend on restarting can read the original commandline from sys.__argv__:

argv = getattr(sys, '__argv__', sys.argv)

Copyright © 2018 Niklas Rosenstein