
Server to run ytclip.

pip install pyjpgclipboard==1.0.2



Platform Unit Tests

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Note: Ubuntu/Linux is not implemented yet. The implementation should use xclip, preferably with binaries downloaded in another python package so that the user doesn't need to first install xclip from the apt package repository. Feel free to submit a pull request!


Cross platform clipboard for handling copy/paste jpg in python

This libray is meant to do only one thing and one thing well: copy jpg's to and from the system clipboard.


python -m pip install pyjpgclipboard


from pyjpgclipboard import clipboard_dump_jpg, clipboard_load_jpg

clipboard_load_jpg("myfile.jpg") # Clipboard now has jpg image
clipboard_dump_jpg("myfile2.jpg) # Clipboard image contents dumped to disk.


Make sure that tox is installed on your system and run it at the root directory of this project.

Will pyjpgclipboard support more features?

Probably not. Unless it's really important.

We only support jpg images (and not any other formats or text) because manipulating the system clipboard across different platforms is hard. As of the creation of this repo there really isn't any library that allows users to copy / paste jpegs. There are a lot of libraries that allow cross platform posting of text and binary data. So this library is intended to fill in that gap. Libraries like pyclip should, in the future, use pyjpgclipboard to handle the missing jpg clipboard manipulation.

What motivatated this library?

Selenium webdriver tests has a missing feature of taking an image and pasting it through it's api.

This is a problem if you are running a selenium test and you need to be able to test pasting an image as part of your test suite (hence the motivation to create this library).


There is only one system clipboard. So running this library in different threads/processes will result in collisions. It's up to the application running this library to provide any necessary locking mechanism.


  • 1.0.2: Now installs on linux. Before it would error. But not all codepaths that include this library will actually use it.
  • 1.0.1: Bug fix
  • 1.0.0: Release.