KE-chain Python SDK

python, api, rest, sdk, KE-chain, awesome, open-source
pip install pykechain==4.16.0


KE-chain Python SDK

Version Supported Python Versions Build Status Documentation Status Coverage Status Updates Code Quality from Codacy

About pykechain

pykechain is a python library for advanced users of KE-chain. It will enable users to connect and fully interact to all features of KE-chain, the digital verification and high tech systems design platform of KE-works. With it you can interact with KE-chain, its parts, projects, forms, workflows, activities, scripts and all other aspects of KE-chain from within python scripts or iPython / Jupyter notebooks.

It requires a normal user access to a KE-chain (version 3) instance for it to work.


This version of pykechain (> 4.0.0) is compatible with the latest release of KE-chain where we added the Forms feature. It is fully backward compatible with all KE-chain versions v2022 and higher. This version discontinues support for python version 3.6.


This version of pykechain (> 3.0.0) is suited from KE-chain versions > 3 (or > v2021) running on python >= 3.7 exclusively. If you desire to connect to an older version of KE-chain or run on python 2.7, please use a pykechain v2 release. Put in the requirements pykechain~=2.7.

Basic usage

Ensure you have member access to a KE-chain instance and login:

from pykechain import Client
kec = Client(url='https://<domain>')
kec.login(username='demo_user', password='pastaplease')

Now interact with it:

project = kec.scope('Bike Project')
for part in


pykechain is easily installed using pip. pykechain is Python 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10 and pypy3 compatible:

pip install pykechain

Or if you want to live on the edge, install the latest and greatest from the master branch:

pip install

In scripts you can either use Pipenv or a pip requirements.txt file to install pykechain as a requirement

in a Pipfile:

pykechain = "*"
# or when you want to install a certain branch
pykechain = {ref = "main", git = ""}

in a pip requirements.txt:

# or when you want to install a certain branch i.e. `main`


A proper changelog is maintained in the Changelog