YM2149 emulator supporting YM files, OSC to JACK, PortAudio, WAV
These are generic installation instructions.
Install the current release from PyPI to a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venvname
venvname/bin/pip install -U pip
venvname/bin/pip install pym2149
. venvname/bin/activate
# Tested on Linux and Mac:
pip3 install --break-system-packages --user pym2149
See ~/.local/bin
for executables.
First install venvpool to get the motivate
pip3 install --break-system-packages --user venvpool
Get codebase and install executables:
git clone git@github.com:combatopera/pym2149.git
motivate pym2149
Requirements will be satisfied just in time, using sibling projects with matching .egg-info if any.
# Play a tune written in the Lurlene live coding language:
lc2portaudio 'contrib/Jochen Hippel - 7 Gates of Jambala Level 9.py'
lc2jack 'contrib/Jochen Hippel - 7 Gates of Jambala Level 9.py'
# Play a Dosound sound effect:
dosound2jack contrib/sounds.s snd19
Show a table of speed (updates per tracker line) to BPM.
Play a Dosound script via JACK.
Render a Dosound script to logging.
Render a Dosound script to WAV.
Render Dosound bytecode to WAV.
Play a Lurlene song via JACK.
Play a Lurlene song via PortAudio.
Render a Lurlene song to logging.
Render a Lurlene song to WAV.
Compile Dosound DSL scripts to bytecode for playback on a real Atari.
Play a YM file via JACK.
Play a YM file via PortAudio.
Render a YM file to logging.
Render a YM file to WAV.