
Create python folders with files automagically!

pip install pymkdir==1.1



A command line utility to create python folders (folders with to quickly create Python packages without the burden of manually creating new folders and then an file in it.

Python Packages

Python treats folders with an as packages which can be used to hold python code. Also, in the init file may contain initialization code for the package.

However... after some time coding in Python, one realizes that creating folders and then creating a file name becomes a burden!

But... worry no more! By using pymkdir, the old unix OS function mkdir will be improved to ALSO create automagically the file! Yes, no more worries!


To create a local pyfolder, use the -f/--folder to create a pyfolder with the desired name:

pymkdir -f <folder_name>

To create a pyfolder at a given directory, use the -p/--path flag (defaults to ./):

pymkdir -f <folder_name> -p <path_name>

And... just in case one becomes SO addicted to pymkdir (which is normal) and wants to start using it to create even normal folders (without the, just use the -e/--empty flag!

pymkdir -f <folder_name> -p <path_name> -e

Then, just enjoy the nice output (hopefully one has an UTF-8 based terminal):

_ . * . 📂  Pymkdir 📂 . * . _
Creating the folder name...
Creating the file...