
python wrapper for nih reporter apis -->

api, fund, funding, healthcare-data, nih, publications, python, python3, research-tool
pip install pynih==0.1.3


Python application

pynih - a Python interface for the NIH's Reporter APIs

pynih is a Python library that provides easy access to the NIH's Reporter APIs.


pip install pynih

Example usage

This example can be executed in this example notebook.

from pynih import apis

# illustration of project api usage
search_criteria = {'appl_id':'9795459'}
include_fields = ['ApplId', 'ProjectTitle']
project_data = apis.query_project_api(include_fields=include_fields, search_criteria=search_criteria)

# illustration of publication api usage
search_criteria = {'pmid':'26657764'}
publication_data = apis.query_publication_api(search_criteria=search_criteria)

query_project_api input parameters

The project API query_project_api has the following input parameters:

search_criteria - query search criteria. Example: {"use_relevance": True, "fiscal_years": [2023],"include_active_projects": True}

include_fields - fields to include in return payload. Example: The output result payload would have only ten fields/columns: "include_fields": [ "ApplId","SubprojectId","FiscalYear","OrgName","OrgCity", "OrgState","OrgStateName","DeptType", "ProjectNum","OrgCountry" ]. Default value: all.

limit - number of entries to return (maximum 500 per query). Default value: 1.

offset - Starting counter for return items (projects). Default value: 0. Maximum allowable value: 14,999 or length of records.

See official documentation for further information on these inputs.