command line utilities to help you work with paths

path, command, line, shell, reduce, append, remove
pip install pypathutil==0.0.16


pypathutil project by Mark Veltzer

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command line utilities to help you work with paths

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have you even done calculations of paths in shells of the form:

$ export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin

And did you get upset when the path came out wrong? either repeated elements, extra colons, wrong order and the like?

This is the end of your troubles.

$ export PATH=$(pypathutil add $PATH /usr/games/bin)

This is the same as adding:

$ export PATH=$(pypathutil add --head $PATH /usr/games/bin)

Which means adding to the head of the path.

If you want to add to the tail of the path just use:

$ export PATH=$(pypathutil add --tail $PATH /usr/games/bin)

If you are on windows and want a different separator

$ export PATH=$(pypathutil add --separator \; $PATH /usr/games/bin)

But default pypathutil will remove duplicate entries, remove non absolute paths, and remove folders which do not exist. All of these can be controlled with appropriate flags.

$ pip3 install pypathutil --user

to install in your home directory or

$ sudo -H pip3 install pypathutil

to install for all users on the system.

If you don't have pip3 then you can probably get it using:

$ sudo apt install python3-pip

After doing a little performance work it dawned on me that writing bash code to do the same will be much faster. And I actually wrote bash functions to implement all of this but this package is still my best suggestion for people who want a solid foundation (bash can not be called solid).

You can, of course, use pypathutil for it's API as a python module. It's quite intuitive.