
Save your favorite quotes from the commandline! I literally just did this to get used to sqlite lol.

education, edumacation, quote, quotes
pip install pyquoter==1.0.0



A CLI tool to save your favorite quotes :).


pip install pyquoter


All of the flags and options are visible with the --help flag

Creating quotes

pyquoter -q "This is the quote!" -a "Author Name!" -d 11/20/2020 -t These are Tags

pyquoter -q "This Another quote" -d 11/20/2020 -t cool inspirational # Author defaults to Unkown

pyquoter -q "Just testing stuff" # All that is required is the quote

Searching quotes

To turn a quote insertion into a query just add the -f flag

pyquoter -f -q "quote" # Outputs quotes that contain the word "quote"

pyquoter -f -a "Abraham" # Outputs quotes with any author the word "Abraham" in their name

pyquoter -f -i 1 # Outputs the quote with an ID of 1

pyquoter -f -t inspirational # Outputs any quote tagged with the world inspirational

pyquoter -f # Outputs all the quotes

Sample output:

[3] Pyquoter is alright I guess
 - Josh 11/20/2020

Deleting quotes

If you have a quote that you think isn't up to par, you can delete it by referencing its ID

pyquoter --delete 1 # Deletes the quote with an ID of 1

Creating an Alias

Typing pyquoter may be a bit verbose so if you have a .bashrc add the line alias pq=pyquoter