
Red Black tree extension package

pip install pyrbtree==0.6.1




This package provides an implementation of a tree based set and mapping. For performance reasons, it uses an underlying binary extension wrapping a C library: CRBTree.


The package declares 2 classes: TreeSet, which behaves as a normal set, but maintains a natural order thanks to the underlying Red-Black tree, and TreeMap which is the same as a mapping.

At the time of this writing, most methods from set and dict should work as expected, except for copy which is currently not implemented.


from pyrbtree import TreeSet

ts = TreeSet('acbfd')

should output:

{'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'}


From PyPI

pip install pyrbtree

From GitHub

This is the recommended way if you want to contribute or simply tweak pyrbtree to your own requirements. You can get a local copy by downloading a zipfile but if you want to make changes, you should rather clone the repository to have access to all git goodies:

git clone --recurse-submodules

You can then install it in your main Python installation or in a venv with:

pip install .

or on Windows with the launcher:

py -m pip install .


The GitHub repository contains an unittest test package. From the main folder, tests can be launched with:

You must install from the repository in development mode:

git clone --recurse-submodules
pip install -e .

Then you can run the tests with:

python -m unittest discover

Wheel format

The extension module only uses the so-called limited API. The binary wheel is expected to be compatible with any Python version above 3.7 for the same architecture. Currently, it is only provided for a Windows 64 bits platform.


Contributions are welcome, including issues on GitHub. Problems are expected to be documented so that they can be reproduced. But I only develop this on my free time, so I cannot guarantee quick answers...

Disclaimer: alpha quality

The main classes are already well tested, but the copy method is still to be implemented.


This work is licenced under a MIT Licence. See LICENSE.txt