This is a powerful and easy library for building self bot in the Rubika.

rubika, rubino, pyrubi, pyrubika, bot, chat, api-rubika, rubika-bot, rubika-client
pip install pyrubi==3.6.0


pyrubi image
Fast and powerfull Rubika API library

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Pyrubi 3.1.2

Fast and powerfull Rubika API library for building self bots.


Install or Update:

pip install -U pyrubi

Quick start:

from pyrubi import Client

client = Client(session="mySelf")

for message in client.on_message():
    if message.text == "hello":
        message.reply("**hello** __from__ ##pyrubi##")

also you can enter your session data manually:

from pyrubi import Client

auth_key = "abcdefghijklnopkrstuvwxyzazxcqwe"
private_key = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n..."

client = Client(auth=auth_key, private=private_key)

for message in client.on_message():
    if message.text == "hello":
        message.reply("**hello** __from__ ##pyrubi##")


  • Fast : The requests are very fast and optimize.

  • Powerful : While the library is simple, it has high speed and features that make your work easier and faster

  • Easy : All methods and features are designed as easy and optimal as possible

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