Scale-Space Toolbox for Python.

pip install pyscsp==0.9.10


pyscsp : Scale-Space Toolbox for Python

Contains the following modules:

discscsp : Discrete Scale-Space and Scale-Space Derivative Toolbox for Python:

This module comprises:

-- functions for computing spatial scale-space representations by spatial smoothing with the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel or other discrete approximations of the continuous Gaussian kernel, that is used for defining a Gaussian scale-space representation.

-- functions for computing discrete approximations of Gaussian derivatives, based on first convolving the image data with the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel, and then applying small-support central difference operations to the spatial smoothed image data.

-- functions for computing differential expressions in terms of scale-normalized Gaussian derivatives for different purposes in feature detection from image data, such as edge detection, interest point detection (blob detection or corner detection) and ridge detection, based on the above discrete derivative approximations obtained by applying small-support central difference operations to spatially smoothed image data obtained by convolving the input image with the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel.

For examples of how to apply these functions for computing scale-space features, please see the enclosed Jupyter notebook discscspdemo.ipynb.

For more technical descriptions about the respective functions, as well as explanations of the theoretical properties for different discrete approximations of the Gaussian kernel, please see the documentation strings for the respective functions in the source code in

gaussders: Gaussian Derivative Toolbox for Python

This module comprises:

-- functions for computing discrete approximations of Gaussian derivatives, based on convolving the image data with sampled Gaussian derivative kernels or integrated Gaussian derivative kernels.

-- functions for computing differential expressions in terms of scale-normalized Gaussian derivatives for different purposes in feature detection from image data, such as edge detection, interest point detection (blob detection or corner detection) and ridge detection, based on the above discrete derivative approximations obtained by convolving the input image with either sampled Gaussian derivative kernels or integrated Gaussian derivative kernels.

For examples of how to apply these functions for computing scale-space features, please see the enclosed Jupyter notebook gaussdersdemo.ipynb.

For more technical descriptions about the respective functions, as well as explanations of the theoretical properties for different discrete approximations of the Gaussian kernel, please see the documentation strings for the respective functions in the source code in

affscsp : Affine Scale-Space and Scale-Space Derivative Toolbox for Python:

This module comprises:

-- functions for computing discrete approximations of affine Gaussian kernels and affine Gaussian directional derivative approximation masks, which can be used for computing the responses of filter banks of directional derivative responses over different orders of spatial differentiation and over different image orientations.

For examples of how to apply these functions for computing scale-space features, please see the enclosed Jupyter notebook affscspdemo.ipynb.

For more technical descriptions about the respective functions, please see the documentation strings for the respective functions in the source code in

torchscsp : Subset of functionalities for use in PyTorch:

This module comprises:

-- functions for generating 1-D discrete approximations of the Gaussian kernel for spatial smoothing with separable filtering in PyTorch,

-- discrete derivative approximation masks for computing discrete approximations of Gaussian derivatives and Gaussian derivative layers in PyTorch.

-- functions for generating affine Gaussian kernels and scale-normalized discrete directional derivative approximation masks, which can be used for computing the responses to filter banks of directional derivatives of affine Gaussian kernels in PyTorch.

For more technical descriptions about the respective functions, please see the documentation strings for the respective functions in the source code in


These modules can be installed using pip.

To install only the discscsp and affscsp modules (without installing the torchscsp module which requires a larger installation of PyTorch) do:

pip install pyscsp

To install also the torchscsp module, do instead perform the following command:

pip install 'pyscsp[torch]'

Note, however, that you must then have PyTorch already installed to use this option. Otherwise, the installation command may generate an error message.

These modules can also be downloaded directly from GitHub:

git clone


Lindeberg (1990) "Scale-space for discrete signals", IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 12(3): 234--254. (preprint)

Lindeberg (1993a) "Discrete derivative approximations with scale-space properties: A basis for low-level feature detection", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 3(4): 349-376. (preprint)

Lindeberg (1993b) Scale-Space Theory in Computer Vision, Springer. (Online edition)

Lindeberg (1994) "Scale-space theory: A basic tool for analysing structures at different scales", Journal of Applied Statistics 21(2): 224-270. (preprint)

Lindeberg and Garding (1997) "Shape-adapted smoothing in estimation of 3-D depth cues from affine distortions of local 2-D structure", Image and Vision Computing 15: 415-434 (preprint)

Lindeberg (1998a) "Feature detection with automatic scale selection", International Journal of Computer Vision, vol 30(2): 77-116. (preprint)

Lindeberg (1998b) "Edge detection and ridge detection with automatic scale selection", International Journal of Computer Vision, vol 30(2): 117-154. (preprint)

Lindeberg (2009) "Scale-space". In: B. Wah (Ed.) Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 2495-2504. (preprint)

Lindeberg (2013a) "A computational theory of visual receptive fields", Biological Cybernetics, 107(6): 589-635. (Open Access)

Lindeberg (2013b) "Scale selection properties of generalized scale-space interest point detectors", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 46(2): 177-210. (Open Access)

Lindeberg (2015) "Image matching using generalized scale-space interest points", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 52(1): 3-36. (Open Access)

Lindeberg (2021) "Normative theory of visual receptive fields", Heliyon 7(1): e05897: 1-20. (Open Access)

Lindeberg (2022) "Scale-covariant and scale-invariant Gaussian derivative networks", Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 64(3): 223-242. (Open Access)

Lindeberg (2023) "Discrete approximations of Gaussian smoothing and Gaussian derivatives", arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.11317. (preprint)

Lindeberg (2024) "Approximation properties relative to continuous scale space for hybrid discretizations of Gaussian derivative operators", arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.05095. (preprint)

Relations between the scientific papers and concepts in this code:

The paper (Lindeberg 1990) describes the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel used for discrete implementation of Gaussian smoothing, including its theoretical properties and how it can be defined by uniqueness from a set of theoretical assumptions (scale-space axioms) that reflect desirable properties of a scale-space smoothing operation. This paper also describes some of the theoretical properties of the sampled Gaussian kernel.

The paper (Lindeberg 1993a) describes how discrete derivative approximations defined by applying difference operators to a discrete scale-space representation preserve scale-space properties of discrete approximations of Gaussian derivatives, provided that the scale-space smoothing operattion is performed using the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel.

Chapters 3-5 in the book (Lindeberg 1993b) give a more extensive treatment of discrete scale-space representation defined by convolution with the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel, including scale-space properties of discrete derivative approximations defined by applying difference operators to the discrete scale-space representation defined by convolution with the discrete analogue of the Gaussian kernel. This treatment also describes theoretical properties of the sampled Gaussian kernel, the integrated Gaussian kernel and the linearily integrated Gaussian kernel.

The paper (Lindeberg 1994) gives a comprehensive general overview over the notion of Gaussian scale-space representation.

Chapter 14 in the book (Lindeberg 1993b) and the paper (Lindeberg and Garding 1997) describe the notion of affine Gaussian scale space, with its closedness property under affine image transformations, referred to as affine covariance or affine equivariance.

The paper (Lindeberg 1998a) describes the blob detector based on the spatial extrema of the Laplacian operator (N-jet function 'Laplace'), the interest point detector based on spatial extrema of the determinant of the Hessian operator (N-jet function 'detHessian') and the corner detector based on spatial extrema of the rescaled level curve curvature operator (N-jet function 'Kappa'). This paper also defines the notion of gamma-normalized scale-space derivatives by multiplying the regular Gaussian derivative operators by the scale parameter s = sigma^2 raised to the power of gamma multiplied by the order of differentiation and divided by two.

The paper (Lindeberg 1998b) describes the differential definition of edge detection from local directional derivatives of the image intensity in the gradient direction (N-jet functions 'Lv', 'Lv2Lvv' and Lv3Lvv') as well as corresponding ridge and valley detectors defined from directional derivatives in the principal curvature directions (p, q) of the grey-level landscape (N-jet functions 'Lp', 'Lq', 'Lpp' and 'Lqq').

The paper (Lindeberg 2009) gives a comprehensive overview of basic components in scale-space theory, and can in this respect serve as a good first introduction to this area, including demonstrations of how different types of differential invariants in scale-space (in this code referred to as N-jet functions) can be used for basic purposes of detecting image features in image data.

The papers (Lindeberg 2013a) and (Lindeberg 2021) demonstrate how the spatial component of the receptive fields of simple cells in the primary visual cortex can be well modelled by directional derivatives of affine Gaussian kernels. In the code below, we provide functions for generating such kernels corresponding to directional derivatives of affine Gaussian kernels and for computing the effect of convolving images with such kernels.

The papers (Lindeberg 2013b, Lindeberg 2015) give a more modern treatment of some of the concepts described in (Lindeberg 1998a), regarding the use of spatial extrema of the Laplacian operator (N-jet function 'Laplace'), the determinant of the Hessian operator (N-jet function 'detHessian') and the rescaled level curve curvature operator (N-jet function 'Kappa') for interest point detection.

The paper (Lindeberg 2022) defines the notion of a Gaussian derivative layer, as a linear combination of scale-normalized Gaussian derivative responses, as a basic concept for defining provably scale-covariant and scale-invariant deep networks.

The paper (Lindeberg 2023) gives an in-depth treatment of different ways of approximating the Gaussian smoothing operation and the Gaussian derivative operators that underlie the computation of scale-space features. In this respect, this paper provides a theoretical foundation for many of the implementations in the pyscsp package.

The paper (Lindeberg 2024) extends the treatment of discrete approximations of Gaussian derivative operators to a characterization of properties of the hybrid discretization methods, based on combinations of a first stage of spatial smoothing, with either the normalized sampled Gaussian kernel or the integrated Gaussian kernel, followed by central differences. These discretization methods are computationally more efficient in situations when multiple derivatives of different orders are to be computed at the same scale level, compared to explicit convolutions with either sampled Gaussian derivative kernels or integrated Gaussian derivative kernels.

Remark: To avoid possible misunderstandings, this pyscsp package does not contain the full implementations needed to reproduce the methods in the above papers, only a subset of basic functionalities regarding the first layer of computations on the image data.

The original implementations for most of the above papers have been performed in C or Matlab. Only for the papers (Lindeberg 2022), (Lindeberg 2023) and (Lindeberg 2024), the experimental work has been based on Python implementations.

The more general set of references listed here is, however, provided to point to a wider context in which the basic functions in the pyscsp package can be used.