
An extremely simple framework-independent dependency injector.

pip install pysimpleinjector==1.1



An extremely simple framework-independent dependency injector.


pysimpleinjector injects values into decorated methods based on argument names. Supose your system has an instance of some class called SessionManager , which you injected intoseveral different arguments.

Instead of passing the instance all over the place and keeping dozens of references, you can decorate methods that require that with @inject:

def(self, arg0, arg1, arg2, session_manager)

Now you need to tell the injector what to inject as session_manager. To do this, simple configure the injector with you the value it should inject. Injection is done simply based on argument names, so all you need to do is name your argument the same in every decorated method. If a particular method does not have an argument named session_manager it won't be injected.

manager_instance = SessionManager(some, args)
InjectorConfiguration.add_static_arg("session_manager", manager_instance)


You also have a different type of injectable values: runtime injectable values. In this case, instead of defining a static value that will be injected to decorated methods, you can pass functions that will return the value you need injected. This way, you an, following the above example, pass a SessionFactory, that would inject a different session each time.

factory = SessionFactory(some, config, values)
InjectorConfiguration.add_runtime_arg("session_manager", SessionFactory)

For more details, please check the docstring of InjectorConfiguration and @inject .

Copyright (c) 2014 Hugo Osvaldo Barrera