
pytest stack validation prior to testing executing

pip install pytest-infrastructure==0.0.2


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What is pytest-infrastructure? 🎏

pytest-infrastructure is a pytest (pluggy) plugin that is used to verify the infrastructure around a test environment prior to wasting time actually executing tests against it. It is very simple, do the following:

from pytest_infrastructure import infrastructure

@infrastructure(order=1, enabled=True, not_on_env='staging', isolated=True)
def some_function_to_validate_the_stack():
    # This will be run in parallel; order plays no part when isolated=True is set
    # This will be executed first, order=1 (n.b => order 0 is considered priority and negative order is equal to 0

@infrastructure(enabled=True, not_on_env='production', isolated=False)
def some_other_function_to_validate_the_stack():
    # This will be run sequentially in parallel
    # This will fail our checks due to Exception and present you with a meaningful reason, aborting pytest
    raise Exception
pytest -m my_test_marker --infrastructure-env='staging' --infrastructure-thread-count=2

Important Notes:

  • pytest-infrastructure does not! support python version(s) earlier than 3 officially
  • pytest-infrastructure is open to pull requests that bring in backwards compatability but it is not a priority now
  • pytest-infrastructure does not guarantee order of isolated=False functions, order isn't even accounted for here

How to Contribute to pytest-infrastructure 🚀

Thanks for considering contributions to the pytest-infrastructure plugin. To help you get started please read the following documentation. All contributions will be strongly considered and I welcome contributions from anyone, experienced or new; the pytest ecosystem can be very confusing at first glance so if you have any questions or think you are doing something wrong, please open a PR with what you have and we can pair up on it.

  • Easier or small contributions are or will be attached to the: easier issue label

Getting started 🚀

  • Clone the repository using: (ssh recommended over HTTPS)
  • Open the cloned folder in your IDE of choice, I would recommend Pycharm (or if you are hardcore and dont use an IDE)
  • Create a branch or if you prefer to work on forks do that
  • Push change(s) for issue/tickets you wish to solve
  • Open a PR

If you are solving an issue, please include closes #issue-number in the commit message, for example: "fixes #1"

PR Guidelines 🚀

Under NO circumstances will any PR be accepted with the following:

  • Failing travis CI build / tests
  • Decrease in unit test coverage percentage

If your PR is failing on either of these two, it will only be considered mergable when they have been rectified (unless there is a core travis issue in which I will try to resolve immediately)