
A pytest plugin for sending a desktop notification and playing a sound upon completion of tests

pytest, notification, notify, notifier, message, desktop
pip install pytest-notification==0.2.0



A plugin for pytest that sends notifications if a --notify flag is passed to pytest on the command line. It plays sounds when a --sound or --play-sound flag is passed.

The notifications and sounds are different depending whether the test run has passed or failed.

The messages and sounds are only played when the flags are passed. This allows you to turn it on only for those tests for which you expect a long time is needed.


pytest-notifier always sends a notification. It can be turned of with --notify-off. This is a fundamentally different design choice, which is why this package was created. Pytest-notifier has been around for a long time and is still being actively maintained. It does not support playing sounds, but it does support Mac OS X notifications.


option usage
--notify Sends a desktop notification when pytest is finished. (Only implemented on Linux. Requires the 'notify-send' program in PATH on Linux.
--sound, --play-sound Plays a sound when pytest is finished. (Only implemented on Linux and Macintosh systems).
--disturb shorthand for --notify --sound


pytest-notification can be installed with pip install pytest-notification.


On Linux notifications are supported via the notify-send program. On Debian, Ubuntu and derived distros this is available in the libnotify-bin package.

On Linux sound is supported via the paplay program. On Debian, Ubuntu and derived distros this available in the pulseaudio-utils pacakge.

The installation for Ubuntu should be:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install libnotify-bin pulseaudio-utils
pip install pytest-notification

Mac OS X

On Mac OS X sound is implemented via the afplay program, which should be installed by default. Since I do not own a mac I can not test this feature. pull requests are welcome.

On Mac OS X notifications are not supported. Alternatively you could take a look at pytest-notifier, which does support Mac OS X.


Windows is not supported.


Pull requests for improved Mac and Windows support are welcome. As well as ideas and other pull requests. Simply create a new issue or PR on the github page.

Windows support

In theory the winsound module could be used to play sounds, but this only supports wave files. These are very big and cumbersome to distribute. I have not actively looked for a way to create a message on windows. There will probably be some powershell command that can pull this off. Pull requests are welcome.