
Saves a screenshot when a test case from a pytest execution fails

pytest, plugin, test, screenshot
pip install pytest-screenshot-on-failure==1.0.0


Pytest Screenshot on Failure

Saves a screenshot when a test case from a pytest execution fails.


This plugin requires that you have an instance of your selenium WebDriver being yielded by a @pytext.fixture, in your file.

This is not just a good practice, but it also helps pytest-screenshot-on-failure to identify your WebDriver instance for the moment it needs to capture a screenshot.

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver import Chrome

# WebDriver fixture example
@pytest.fixture(scope='session', autouse=True)
def web_driver():
    options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
    driver = Chrome(options=options)
    yield driver

How to use

You can enable this plugin by using the --save_screenshots flag when running your tests.


python3 -m pytest /tests --save_screenshots

The screenshots will be saved by default into the "screenshots" folder. You can change this folder name by using the flag --screenshots_dir=<custom_dir_name>.


python3 -m pytest /tests --save_screenshots --screenshots_dir=images

Screenshots folder structure

  • The screenshots from the latest execution will be saved directly on the screenshots root folder, with the date/time of the execution.
  • Give your test file a class name, and the screenshots will be organized by test suite.
  • Whenever you star a new execution, older images will be stored in the history folder.


Test coverage

The current test coverage rate is 97%! It's only missing coverage on the pytest_runtest_makereport hook. I couldn't find a way of covering methods that yields a Generator, yet.

---------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.10.6-final-0 -----------
Name                                  Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
src/                           0      0   100%
src/      91      3    97%   80-82
TOTAL                                    91      3    97%

Static Analysis & Lint

The repository has no offenses on autoflake, yapf, isort and strict mypy checks. Pending to add CI/CD actions to assert these checks automatically.