
pytest plugin for creating TestRail runs and adding results

pip install pytest-testrail-ns==



PyPI version Downloads MIT license pytest

This is a pytest plugin for creating/editing testplans or testruns based on pytest markers. The results of the collected tests will be updated against the testplan/testrun in TestRail.


pip install pytest-testrail-ns


Config for Pytest tests

Add a marker to the tests that will be picked up to be added to the run.

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import testrail

    @testrail('C1234', 'C5678')
    def test_foo():
        # test code goes here

    # OR	

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import pytestrail"C1234", "C5678")
    def test_bar():
        # test code goes here

Or if you want to add defects to testcase result:

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import pytestrail

    @pytestrail.defect("PF-524", "BR-543")
    def test_bar():
        # test code goes here

Skip a testcase [You need create 'Skipped' status in TestRail']:

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import pytestrail"C1234")
    @pytest.mark.skip("Mark as skipped description") 
    # or @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Mark as skipped description")
    def test_bar():
        # test code goes here

Exclude a testcase [You need exclude testcase if it is not part of TestRail TestRun']:

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import pytestrail"C1234")
    def test_bar():
        # test code goes here

Block a testcase:

    import pytest
    from pytest_testrail.plugin import pytestrail"C1234")
    @pytestrail.block("Mark as blocked description")
    # @pytestrail.block(reason="Mark as blocked description")
    def test_bar():
        # test code goes here
    # OR"C1234")
    @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Mark as blocked description", block=True)
    def test_bar():
        # test code goes here

How to set known defect ID for specific assertion: set pytest-defect=<defect_id> in assertion error message.

    from pytest_testrail.plugin import pytestrail"C1234")
    def test_bar():
        # Assertion 1: defect NCT-836
        assert 1==0, "pytest-defect=NCT-836"
        # Assertion 2: defect NCT-1024
        assert False, "Error message contains regex: pytest-defect=NCT-1024 allows to insert defect 'NCT-1024'"

Config for TestRail

  • Settings file template config:
    url =
    email =
    password = <api_key>

    assignedto_id = 1
    project_id = 2
    suite_id = 3
    plan_id = 4
    description = 'This is an example description'

    custom_comment = 'This is a custom comment'


  • Set command line options (see below)


Basically, the following command will create a testrun in TestRail, add all marked tests to run. Once the all tests are finished they will be updated in TestRail:

    py.test --testrail --tr-config=<settings file>.cfg

All available options

option description
--testrail Create and update testruns with TestRail
--tr-config Path to the config file containing information about the TestRail server (defaults to testrail.cfg)
--tr-url TestRail address you use to access TestRail with your web browser (config file: url in API section)
--tr-email Email for the account on the TestRail server (config file: email in API section)
--tr-password Password for the account on the TestRail server (config file: password in API section)
--tr-testrun-assignedto-id ID of the user assigned to the test run (config file:assignedto_id in TESTRUN section)
--tr-testrun-project-id ID of the project the test run is in (config file: project_id in TESTRUN section)
--tr-testrun-suite-id ID of the test suite containing the test cases (config file: suite_id in TESTRUN section)
--tr-testrun-suite-include-all Include all test cases in specified test suite when creating test run (config file: include_all in TESTRUN section)
--tr-testrun-name Name given to testrun, that appears in TestRail (config file: name in TESTRUN section)
--tr-testrun-description Description given to testrun, that appears in TestRail (config file: description in TESTRUN section)
--tr-run-id Identifier of testrun, that appears in TestRail. If provided, option "--tr-testrun-name" will be ignored
--tr-plan-id Identifier of testplan, that appears in TestRail. If provided, option "--tr-testrun-name" will be ignored
--tr-version Indicate a version in Test Case result.
--tr-no-ssl-cert-check Do not check for valid SSL certificate on TestRail host
--tr-close-on-complete Close a test plan or test run on completion.
--tr-dont-publish-blocked Do not publish results of "blocked" testcases in TestRail
--tr-skip-missing Skip test cases that are not present in testrun
--tr-milestone-id Identifier of milestone to be assigned to run
--tc-custom-comment Custom comment, to be appended to default comment for test case (config file: custom_comment in TESTCASE section)
--tr-report-single-test Report result immediately for each test case when it finished

TestRail Settings

To increase security, the TestRail team suggests using an API key instead of a password. You can see how to generate an API key here.

If you maintain your own TestRail instance on your own server, it is recommended to enable HTTPS for your TestRail installation.

For TestRail hosted accounts maintained by Gurock, all accounts will automatically use HTTPS.

You can read the whole TestRail documentation here.


Nishith Shah - github


This project is licensed under the MIT license.
