
A simple cross-platform module to create pretty menu in console

python, menu, console, cli, command, line
pip install python-cli-menu==1.8



python-cli-menu is a simple cross-plateform Python module that allows you to easilly create pretty custom menus in console. Customize the title, options, every colors and initial cursor position as you wish. Use arrows keys to navigate through the menu and enter key to select an option.

menu screen

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python-cli-menu is available on PyPi and can be installed with pip by running :

pip install python-cli-menu


def menu(
    title: str | Sequence[str],
    options: list[str] | tuple[str, ...],
    cursor_color: str | tuple[int, int, int],
    title_color: (
        str | tuple[int, int, int] | None |
        Sequence[str | tuple[int, int, int] | None]
    ) = None,
    options_color: (
        str | tuple[int, int, int] | None |
        Sequence[str | tuple[int, int, int] | None]
    ) = None,
    initial_cursor_position: str | int = 0,
) -> str:

Creates a pretty menu in console with arrow key navigation and returns the selected option. Clears console once an option is selected.

  • title is the main title of the menu, can be displayed on multiple lines if a list or a tuple is passed.
  • options is the list of actions or choices that can be selected.
  • cursor_color is the color of the cursor, available colors are red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white and their lighter versions (e.g. light_red), use custom color by providing a tuple containing color RGB values.
  • title_color is the color of the title, available colors are the same as cursor_color, customize the color of each line by providing a list of colors, each color will be associated with the line of the corresponding index (default color is terminal text color).
  • options_color is the color of options, available colors are the same as cursor_color, customize every option color by providing a list of colors, each color will be associated with the option of the corresponding index (default color is terminal text color).
  • initial_cursor_position is the option or the index of the option where the initial cursor position is set (default position is first element).

Examples :

from pythonclimenu import menu

OPTIONS = ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Quit"]

# Creates a simple console menu with blue cursor
menu1 = menu(title="Amazing Console Menu", options=OPTIONS, cursor_color="blue")

menu2 = menu(
    title = ["Amazing Console", "Menu"], # displays title on multiple lines
    options = OPTIONS,
    cursor_color = (255, 95, 46), # sets the cursor color using RGB values
    title_color = [
        "blue", # colors "Amazing Console"
        "light_red" # colors "Menu"
    initial_cursor_position = -1 # sets cursor default position to 'Quit'

menu3 = menu(
    title = ["Amazing Console", "Menu"], # displays title on multiple lines
    options = OPTIONS,
    cursor_color = "yellow",
    title_color = "light_green", # colors all lines of title
    options_color = [
        "magenta", # colors options[0]
        "light_cyan", # colors options[1]
        (192, 11, 168) # colors options[2]
        # option[3] color is not specifed so it will be considered as None
    initial_cursor_position = OPTIONS[1] # sets cursor default position to 'Option 1'