
Utilities for Estonian eID and mID infrastructure

pip install python-esteid==0.1.8


Estonian ID-card "ecosystem" helper

  • PyPI version
  • GitHub version

The sk utility helps to:

  • query in a meaningful way
  • convert ID codes to SSH keys
  • verify certificates against OCSP

This depends on M2Crypto either being available or being able to build it, ditto for python-ldap.

On Debian and derivatives:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev swig libsasl2-dev libldap-dev python-dev


Some samples using the ID code of me (Martin Paljak 38207162722) or Edward Lucas (36205030034, found from this article).

  • Query my authentication certificate from LDAP:

    sk ldap 38207162722

  • Parse the certificate as well:

    sk ldap 38207162722 | openssl x509 -text -noout

  • Get my Digi-ID signing certificate:

    sk ldap 38207162722 --type sign --digi-id

  • If there are several certificates (with newer Mobile-ID), you can get them individually:

    sk ldap 38207162722 --type sign --mobiil-id --idx 2

  • There's a new type of certificates, e-residents:

    $ sk ldap 36205030034
    HINT: 36205030034 is an e-resident. Try again with --resident
  • So you can easily separate residents and e-residents:

    sk ldap 36205030034 --resident --type sign

  • If you use SSH and key based authentication, you can easily give access to certain persons:

    sk ssh 3820716272 36205030034 >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Have fun!
