Python modules for functional programming, influenced by the Scala standard lib and Scalaz
Coming from Scala, having some functional programming constructs can be handy.
Available Functionality
The following is available:
- List[A]
- map(f: A -> B) -> List[B]
- bind(f: A -> List[B]) -> List[B]
- for_each() -> None
- filter(p: A -> bool) -> List[A]
- is_empty() -> bool
- mk_string(sep: str) -> str
- intersperse(x: A) -> List[A]
- fold_left(zero: A, f: A, A -> A) -> A
- fold_right(zero: A, f: A, A -> A) -> A
- fold(zero: B, B, A -> B): B
- find(p: A -> bool): Option[A]
- head_option(): Option[A]
- partition(f: A -> bool): Tuple[List[A], List[A]]
- sorted(): List[A]
- reverse(): List[A]
- sum(): A
- length(): int
- unwrap(): list
- Option[A]
- map(f: A -> B) -> Option[B]
- bind(f: A -> Option[B]) -> Option[B]
- for_each() -> None
- filter(p: A -> bool) -> List[A]
- is_empty() -> bool
- get_or_else(x: A) -> A
- fold_left(zero: A, f: A, A -> A) -> A
- fold_right(zero: A, f: A, A -> A) -> A
- fold(zero: B, f: A -> B): B
- get(): A
- is_defined() -> bool
- Validation[Err, A]
- sequence(xs: List[Validation]) -> Validation[List[Err], List[A]]
- from_option(x: Option[A], err: Err): Validation[Err, A]
- map(f: A, C) -> Validation[C]
- bind(f: A -> Validation[C]) -> Validation[C]
- is_failure() -> boolean
- fold(f: Err -> C, g: Err -> C) -> C
- get(): Union[Err, A]
How to build/run
Use the Makefile:
$ make
env creates a virtual python environment for this project
info shows current python environment
clobber remove virtual python environment
fmt runs code formatter
type_check type checks the code
lint run python code analysis on rules
lint_test run python code analysis on test
# for example
$ make run
$ make test
$ make fmt
$ make info
Upload to PyPI test
To upload to test PyPI
# upload to test PyPI
twine upload --repository-url dist/*
# install from test PyPI
pip install -i python-fp
Upload to PyPI
To upload to PyPI
# install to PyPI
twine upload --repository-url dist/*
# install from PyPI
pip install python-fp
Have fun!