
Python-Gelbooru is an unofficial and lightweight asynchronous wrapper for the Gelbooru API.

gelbooru, anime, artwork, booru
pip install python-gelbooru==0.2.0



An async (and soon sync) wrapper for the Gelbooru API

Everything starts with the AsyncGelbooru class. It can be used as a context manager. Here's an example before showing the full docs

import asyncio
from python_gelbooru import AsyncGelbooru

api_key, user_id = ("haha_not", "telling_you")
async def main():
    async with AsyncGelbooru(api_key=api_key,
                             user_id=user_id) as gel:
        yuyu = await gel.search_posts(['saigyouji yuyuko', 'rating:explicit'], limit=10, random=True)

        tasks = [i.async_download(f"./arts/{}") for i in yuyu]
        await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

This downloads 10 random arts with the tags saigyouji_yuyuko that are rated explicit to the arts folder and uses the id of the post for the file name (and automatically uses the correct extension)


The documentation of all of the attributes, methods and properties of these classes can be found here, or in the docstrings.

  • AsyncGelbooru - The base class used for interacting with Gelbooru asynchronously. The other classes should almost never be constructed except from one of this class's methods.
  • Post - Represents a Gelbooru post.
  • Tag - Represents a Gelbooru tag
  • Comment - Represents a Gelbooru Comment



  • AsyncGelbooru.session: aiohttp.ClientSession
    • The session this instance uses to fetch everything on Gelbooru. The constructor creates a new session every time the class is created, and not every time a function is called.


  • def __init__(self, *, api_key: Optional[str] = None, user_id: Optional[str] = None)

    • If values are provided to the constructor, it will represent a session that has a verified API key and user id.

    • Note: Results will not be changed if the API key or user id is invalid, just that you might be more rate limited more often.

  • async def search_posts(self, tags: Iterable[str], *, exclude_tags: Iterable[str] = None, limit=1, page_number: int = 0, random: bool = False ) -> Tuple[Post, ...]

    • Searches Gelbooru with the tags and excluded tags provided. These tags are not Tag objects, but you can call str() on the Tag object to get the tag that goes in the iterable.

    • The strings that go in both of the tags and exclude_tags parameters can have spaces, improper capitalization. They will be properly formatted during search.

    • If random is True: returns random posts.

    • page_number is with respect to the limit.

    • Even though the Gelbooru API returns 100 posts by default when a limit isn't provided, this library returns 1 to save from some disasters.

  • async def get_post(self, *, post_id: Optional[int] = None, md5: Optional[str] = None) -> Tuple[Post, ...]

    • Grabs a post either by id or md5 hash.
      • The md5 hash is also the default file name for an image, so if you have a random image from Gelbooru, you can find its source.
    • Always returns a tuple. Almost always, these tuples contain a single element, or no elements if no matching posts can be found.
    • post_id and md5 are mutually exclusive and passing both in will raise a ValueError, along with not passing either in.
  • async def get_post_comments(self, post: Post) -> Tuple[Comment, ...]

    • Gets all comments on a post.
  • async def search_tags(self, names: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, limit: int = 1, *, name_pattern: Optional[str] = None, after_id: Optional[int] = None, order: Optional[Literal['asc', 'desc']] = None, order_by: Optional[Literal['date', 'count', 'name']] = None) -> Tuple[Tag, ...]

    • Search the Gelbooru Tag List for tags.
    • names: An Iterable of strings that contain the names of tags to get. Can contain spaces and improper capitalization, as that becomes fixed.
    • limit: The maximum amount of tags to return
    • name_pattern: A wildcard-based search for searching for tags. _ represents a single character wildcard, and % represents a multi-character wildcard. DO NOT TRY TO USE REGEX. IT WILL NOT END WELL.
    • after_id: Returns only posts with an id greater than this. Not compatible with name_pattern, due to something weird.
    • order: Whether to sort tags in ascending or descending order
    • order_by: What to sort tags by
  • async def get_tag(self, *, name: Optional[str] = None, tag_id: Optional[int] = None) -> Tag

    • Get a tag by either name or id
  • async def close(self) -> None

    • Closes the session



  • Represents a Gelbooru post. Should not be constructed manually.
  • Check out the docstring for the list of attributes


  • async def async_download(self, path: Optional[str] = None, *, session: Optional[aiohttp.ClientSession] = None, stream: Optional[BinaryIO] = None):

    • Downloads the post asynchronously either to a file, or a stream
    • You can use a custom aiohttp session to download the file
  • def sync_download(self, path: Optional[str] = None, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, stream: Optional[BinaryIO] = None):

    • Same as async_download, but is synchronous

Magic Methods

  • def __str__(self)
    • Casting a Post to a string returns its file_url


  • Attributes can be found in the docstrings

Magic Methods

  • def __str__(self)
    • Casting a Comment to a string returns [author]: [content]


  • Attributes can be found in the docstrings

  • def __str__(self)

    • Casting a Tag to a string returns the tag name