This is a python module to use the Motebus communication protocol. To install this module, simply use pip install.
pip install python-motebus
After installation,
import Motebus as motebus
To request a rpc function, use the function
"MMA" expect an string as "Appname"@"Domain" -for example-> ""
"FUNCTION" expect an string as the function name in App
["OBJECT_PARAMETER"] expect an list of dictionary format of variable such as {"A":"12","B":"25"}
"PRIO" expect an Interger to indicate the priority of request
"TIMEOUT1" expect an Interger to indicate the time to retry
"TIMEOUT2" expect an Interger to indicate the time to disconnect if not responsed
To receive a returned result, use the function
ret = motebus.response()
It will return a list which the result is stored in the order of the request sended.(first request sent will be stored at ret[0],the second one will be stored at ret[1]....etc) If none of the request has finished yet, Interger -1 will be returned.
usage example:
import Motebus as motebus
foo = {"A":"12","B":"25"}
ret = motebus.response()