
Integrates the python-pulseaudion-profiles library into the system tray icon on Linux.

python3, pulseaudio
pip install python-pulseaudio-profiles-trayicon==0.0.2



Python library that adds a tray icon for easily changing and creating pulseaudio profiles.

Uses the python-pulseaudio-profiles library under the hood.

You can start the tray icon with ppp-tray.


Make sure you have the following dependencies installed:

sudo apt install libgirepository1.0-dev gcc libcairo2-dev pkg-config python3-dev gir1.2-gtk-3.0 

On Ubuntu 18.04 and older:

sudo apt install gir1.2-appindicator3 

On Ubuntu 20.04 and newer:

sudo apt install gir1.2-ayatanaappindicator3-0.1

You can install the tool as follows:

pip install python-pulseaudio-profiles-trayicon

Or, when running Debian/Ubuntu, download and install the Debian package from the Releases section.


Once the application started up and you see the tray icon (a speaker with PA next to it), you can right-click and choose from the following actions:

  • Create - allows you to store the current pulseaudio setup under a profile name or your choosing
  • Apply - sub-menu for applying profiles
  • Delete - sub-menu for deleting profiles
  • Refresh - refreshes the menu, e.g., when you created or deleted profiles manually through the commandline
  • Exit - exits the tray icon