
This package helps you to install all modules you need in your directory

client, python, module, library, packet
pip install python-requirements==3.15.6


Package installer

PyPI PyPI - Python Version
This package helps you to install all modules you need in your directory.


$ pip install python-requirements

Sample Usage

from requirements.install import ModuleInstaller

install = ModuleInstaller({})
install.install_modules(path_to_folder="absolute path to folder")


1. Create file "" in needed directory

alt text alt text

2. Copy and paste code below


from intaller.install import ModuleInstaller

install = ModuleInstaller({})
install.install_modules(path_to_folder="absolute path to folder")

and press CTRL + S (Save file)

3. Get needed path to folder. Click right mouse button and click "Copy path"


4. Past path into line 4 in (install.install_modules(path_to_folder="absolute path to folder")).


4.1 Delete "\" in path because it requires path to folder, not to file


Now save the file and run script! Script will install all requested frameworks.

For Contributors

Prepare development environment

  1. Install docker on your development machine
  2. Start server for testing by following commands from the project's root folder or change path to conf dir in second command to correct:
docker pull bytemark/requirements
docker run -d --name requirements -e AUTH_TYPE=Basic -e USERNAME=alice -e PASSWORD=secret1234 -v conf:/usr/local/apache2/conf -p 8585:80 bytemark/requirements

Code convention

Please check your code according PEP8 Style guides.

Run tests

  1. Check that installer container is started on your local machine
  2. Execute following command in the project's root folder:
python -m unittest discover -s tests

Prepare a Pull Request

Please use this check list before creating PR:

  1. You code should be formatted according PEP8
  2. All tests should successfully pass
  3. Your changes shouldn't change previous default behaviour, exclude defects
  4. All changes are covered by tests