
Minimalistic, unbalanced Binary Search Tree

Binary, Search, Tree, Data, Structures, BST
pip install pythonic-bst==1.0.3



A minimalistic, unbalanced Binary Search Tree written in pure Python. Originally developed as an example in a Python course.

The class BST works almost like a dict with sorted keys, and supports slicing and broadcasting. The methods exploit lazy execution when possible, all relevant operations are $O(log)$ complexity.


Install the latest stable version from PyPi:

~$ pip install pythonic-bst


from bst import BST
  • Create an empty BST: foo = BST()
  • Add/update an item: foo[k] = v
  • Remove an existing item: rm foo[k]
  • Count items: len(foo)
  • Check wether key $k$ is present: if k in foo: ...
  • Check if the BST is not empty: if foo: ...
  • Iterate forward: for k, v in foo: ...
  • Iterate backward: for k, v in reversed(foo): ...
  • Generate all the keys: foo.keys()
  • Generate all the values: foo.values()
  • Generate all $(k, v)$ pairs: foo.items()
  • Standard BST-esque visits: foo.visit_in_order(), foo.visit_pre_order(), foo.visit_post_order()


A BST can be initialized from a sequence of $(k, v)$ pairs, like another BST's iterator.

  • Duplicate a BST: bar = BST(foo)
  • Initialize a BST from a generic sequence of pairs: foo = BST([(18, 5), (23, 10)])

A dictionary may be used directly to initialize a BST and vice-versa.

  • Initialize from a dictionary: foo = BST(baz)
  • Create a dictionary from a BST: baz = dict(foo)


Notes: Slices are half-open. In [k1:k2], key k1 must be present in the BST, key k2 is never included. The step can be +1 (default) for forward and -1 for backward.

  • Iterate forward on keys $k \in [k_1, k_2[$: for k, v in foo[k1:k2]: ...

  • Iterate backward on keys $k \in ]k_1, k_2]$: for k, v in foo[k2:k1:-1]: ...

  • Update the first three items with keys $k \in [k_1, k_2[$: foo[k1:k2] = [v1, v2, v3]

  • Set all items with keys $k < k_2$ to a specific value: foo[:k2] = v

  • Remove item with key $k_1$ and all subsequent ones: rm foo[k1:]


The height (longest path from the root), the density (percentage of internal nodes that have two successors), and the unbalance (relative difference between the longest and the shortest path from the root) may be accessed as properties, although at a significant cost.

foo = BST()
for n in range(1_000_000):
    foo[random.random()] = n
print(foo.height, foo.density, foo.unbalance)

# Initializing from known data creates an optimized structure
bar = BST(foo)
print(bar.height, bar.density, bar.unbalance)

may yield something like

49 0.4997143041393656 0.8775510204081632
20 0.9073503634459752 0.05


Some unsystematic unit test has been implemented using pytest and


Copyright © 2023 by Giovanni Squillero
Distributed under a Zero-Clause BSD License (SPDX: 0BSD), which allows unlimited freedom with the software without the requirement to include legal notices.