An API wrapper for the python discord pixels project
pillow, rich and request are required for this library. These are automatically installed with this library.
Getting started
First make an instance of the Client class and pass your token to the contructor. Everything in this library is done from the Client class.
import pythonpixels
client = pythonpixels.Client("TOKEN") # Your token must be inserted where it says TOKEN
client.get_pixel(x, y)
Returns the hexadecimal color code of the given pixel
Params: x: int - The x position of the pixel y: int - The y position of the pixel
Returns: int - The color of the requested pixel
Fetch the entire canvas and returns it as a pillow Image instance. Optionally resize it by a scale factor
Params: scale: int - A factor to resize the image by
Returns: pillow.Image - The current canvas
Returns the size of the canvas
Params: None
Returns: tuple - The width and height of the canvas
client.set_pixel(x, y, color)
Sets a pixel on the canvas
Params: x: int - The x position of the pixel y: int - The y position of the pixel color: int - the RGB colorcode of the pixel
Returns: None
client.set_picture(x, y, img)
Starts a job to add a picture with offset x an y. Img can either be a file directory, an direct URL (Only HTTP supported) or a pillow.Image
Params: x: int - The x offset y: int- The y offset img: typing.Union[str, pillow.Image.Image] - The image to upload. Can either be a path, a HTTP direct image link or a pillow image instance
Returns: None
Return the last known rate limits of the API. These are refreshed every request.
Params: None
Returns: dict - A dictionary with the rate limits formatted as follow "set_pixel": tuple(remaining, timeout) "get_pixel": tuple(remaining, timeout) "get_canvas": tuple(remaining, timeout)