
Timbr Python connector

timbr, timbr-python, timbr-connector, python-connector, PyTimbr, py-timbr, connector, knowledge-graph, python
pip install pytimbr==1.0.2


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timbr Python connector sample file

This project is a sample connecting to timbr using Python.


  • Python 3.7.13+ or 3.8.x or 3.9.x
  • Java 8 or Java 11


Sample usage

  • For an example of how to use the Python connector for Timbr, follow this Example file
  • For an example of using the Timbr Python connector with Pandas:
    • Make sure you have the pandas library installed, or you can install it by running pip install pandas
    • Follow this Pandas Example File

Create basic connection

Create JDBC connection

  # username - Use 'token' as the username when connecting using a Timbr token, otherwise its the user name.
  username = '<TIMBR_USER>'
  # userpass - Should be the token value if using a token as a username, otherwise its the user's password.
  userpass = '<TIMBR_PASSWORD>'
  # hostname - The IP / Hostname of the Timbr server (not necessarily the hostname of the Timbr platform).
  hostname = '<TIMBR_IP/HOST>'
  # port - Timbr default port 11000
  port = '<TIMBR_PORT>'
  # ontology - the ontology / knowledge graph to connect to.
  ontology = '<ONTOLOGY_NAME>'
  # enabled_ssl - Change to true if SSL is enabled.
  enabled_ssl = 'false'
  # Create new JDBC connection
  conn = pytimbr.getJdbcConnection(f"jdbc:hive2://{hostname}:{port}/{ontology};transportMode=http;ssl={enabled_ssl};httpPath=/timbr-server", username, userpass)

  # Use the connection to execute a query
  with conn.cursor() as curs:
      # Execute query
      curs.execute('SHOW CONCEPTS')
      # Fetch results
      concepts = curs.fetchall()
      # Print the results
      for concept in concepts:

Create connection with params

  # username - Use 'token' as the username when connecting using a Timbr token, otherwise its the user name.
  # userpass - Should be the token value if using a token as a username, otherwise its the user's password.
  # hostname - The IP / Hostname of the Timbr server (not necessarily the hostname of the Timbr platform).
  # port - Timbr default port 11000
  # ontology - the ontology / knowledge graph to connect to.
  # enabled_ssl - Change to true if SSL is enabled.
  conn = pytimbr.getConnection(hostname='<TIMBR_IP/HOST>', port='<TIMBR_PORT>', ontology='<ONTOLOGY_NAME>', username='<TIMBR_USER>', password='<TIMBR_PASSWORD>', enabled_ssl='false')

  # Use the connection to execute a query
  with conn.cursor() as curs:
      # Execute query
      curs.execute('SHOW CONCEPTS')
      # Fetch results
      concepts = curs.fetchall()
      # Print the results
      for concept in concepts: