
Generates randomized music tunes with Python, with MIDI export support.

generator, music, music-generation, python, random-generation
pip install pytunegen==1.1.1



Generates music tunes using Python. Sometimes it isn't terrible at it.

You can customize the generation by choosing your favorite scale, a suitable bpm, an interesting time signature, or adjust some of the unorthodox variables including the randomization seed; or you can simply sit back and let the lords of random number generation do their own thing!

pyTuneGen can also export these grand works of art into MIDI files for convenient handling.

The basic introduction below is probably all you need, but full documentation is also available.


pip install pytunegen


If you want to start creating random MIDIs right away, it is this simple!

from pytunegen.midigen import MIDIgen

Although it is simple enough and does the job, the example above is extremely bare-bones and you might want to customize the kind of music generated. To acheive this, you can adjust some or all of the many parameters (this example shows all parameters):

from pytunegen.midigen import MIDIgen

midi_exporter = MIDIgen(seed=18811938, music_length=100, scale="F Minor", bpm=20, time_sig="3/8",
                        note_jump_limit=1.8, silence_percent=2, non_repeat_percent=75)

You don't have to deal with MIDI files if you want to use the generated music in Python scripts. Instead, you can use TuneGen! TuneGen creates a list of bars, which themselves are lists of notes, with properties pitch, length and silence (bool value to show whether that note actually denotes a silence).

Here is a simple player that prints out the characteristics of the generated music, and uses the 'synthesizer' package to play it.

from synthesizer import Player, Synthesizer, Waveform
from pytunegen.tunegen import TuneGen
import time

# initialize the player
player = Player()
synth1 = Synthesizer(osc1_waveform = Waveform.sine, osc1_volume=1.0,
    use_osc2=True, osc2_waveform=Waveform.square, osc2_volume=0.3)

# initialize the tune generator
tunegen = TuneGen()

# print the generator details
print(f"Seed: {tunegen.randseed}")
print(f"BPM: {str(tunegen.bpm_current)}")
print("Time Signature:", tunegen.time_sig_display)
print(f"Scale: {tunegen.scale_current_name}")
print(f"Length: {tunegen.music_length} bars")

music = tunegen.generate()

for bar in music:
    print(f"Bar Repeat: {bar.bar_repeat}\n")
    for note in bar.notes:
        if not note.silence:
            player.play_wave(synth1.generate_constant_wave(note.pitch, note.duration * 60/tunegen.bpm_current))
            time.sleep(note.duration * 60/tunegen.bpm_current)


If you need to generate the SOS morse code tune for any reason, you may simply enter "sos" or any of the following as the seed; "SOS", "s.o.s", "S.O.S", "s.o.s.", "S.O.S."

# for use with a custom music player,
# such as the one in the example above
from pytunegen.tunegen import TuneGen
tunegen = TuneGen("sos")
# to generate a MIDI file
from pytunegen.midigen import MIDIgen

This functionality is hard-coded into Tunegen ( and will disregard any other inputs.