
A package for calculating Universal Scalability Law (USL)

Scalability, testing, Universal, Law, USL
pip install pyusl==0.0.4



Universal Scalability Law in Python


The original derivation of the Universal Scalability Law, or USL, was presented at the 1993 CMG conference by the computer scientist Neil J. Gunther. The law is an extension to the serial fraction concept contained in Amdahl's law. Let X(N) be the capacity or throughput of the system at a given load N, the USL states that

                              gamma  *  N                      
X(N)   =   -------------------------------------------------------
            1  +   alpha  *  (N − 1)  +  beta  *  N  *  (N − 1)

where α, β, γ sometimes called "the three Cs", are defined as the following (cited from Gunther's blog):

  • Concurrency (gamma) or ideal parallelism, which represents the slope associated with linear-rising scalability.
  • Contention (with proportion alpha) due to waiting or queueing for shared resources.
  • Coherency (with proportion beta) due to the delay for data to become consistent (or coherent) by virtue of point-to-point exchange of data between resources that are distributed.


Required packages

  • matplotlib (for result plotting)
  • numpy (for numeric computation)
  • scipy (for curve fitting)

Required test package

  • nose (for unit testing)

To install the package

sudo pip install pyusl

To run a quick demo

cd examples

To run tests

python test

or if you have nose installed, simply call


in the project folder.

Instructions for pyusl

General usage

You can create a pyusl instance with no input:

from pyusl import usl
u = usl()

It has the following three public properties, and their default values are:

  • (Concurrency) gamma = 1
  • (Contention) alpha = 0
  • (Coherency) beta = 0

You can create a model by assigning the parameter values through the constructor, for example:

u = usl(3, 4, 5)

You can evaluate the USL model by the compute method:

x = [1,2,3,4,7]
y = u.compute(x)

You can plot x and y to get a rough sketch of the USL curve. Alternatively, you can call the plot method in pyusl:


Fit a model

To fit a USL model with given x, y data sets, simply call fit. For example:

x = [1, 2, 3]
y = [7, 10, 12], y)

By default, a matplotlib plot will be generated and shown at the end, to turn this feature off, assign requires_plot to false:, y, requires_plot = False)

You can also pass in the initial guess value for gamma, alpha and beta for better curve fitting:, y, initial_guess = [0.5, 1, 1.2])

After calling fit, you can always plot the curve by using the plot method:


Notice you don't need to pass in an x value because by default it will use the x passed in for fitting. The raw x and y data can be accessed via:
