
A CLI music recognition tool for audio and mixtapes using Python.

cli, music, python, shazam
pip install pyzam==0.10


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Pyzam is a free CLI music recognition tool for audio and mixtapes in Python.



Pyzam requires ffmpeg installed.


$ pip install git+


# Listen to speaker (5 seconds by default)
pyzam --speaker

# Listen to microphone
pyzam --microphone

# Listen to audio files
pyzam --input audio_file.mp3
# Loop the recognition continously
pyzam --speaker -d 10 --loop

# Listen to mixtapes and save record log as csv file
pyzam --input audio_file.mp3 --duration 12 --mixtape

See pyzam --help for more options.


Argument name Description
--input Detects from the given audio input file
--microphone, -m Listens to the microphone of your device
--speaker, -s Listens to the speaker of your device (default)
--help, -h Show usage & options and exit
--duration, -d Length of microphone or speaker recording. Max = 12 seconds.
--loop, -l Loop the recognition process indefinitely
--mixtape Detects every -d seconds for a given input file, only works with --input. --write is enabled automatically.
--json, -j Return the whole Shazamio output in json
--write, -w Writes the output of as a csv file

Known Limitations

Shazam API Call Limit (Error 429)

Shazam allows up to 20 requests per minute. Hence, a proxy is recommended to speed up recognition when using --mixtape.

12 Second Sample Limit per request

The maximum sample duration that Shazam allows is 12 seconds. Any audio after 12 seconds will not be recieved by Shazam.