
A library to build human readable SQL query string using a pythonic API

SQL, peewee, querybuilder
pip install qbuilder==0.1.1



For the following Table example:

CREATE TABLE article (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    created timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    title character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    type_id integer NOT NULL,
    author_ids integer[] NOT NULL,
    category_ids integer[],
    tags character varying(255)[],
    keywords character varying(255)[],
    summary text,
    content text NOT NULL,
    cover jsonb NOT NULL,
    editors_pick boolean NOT NULL,
    pageviews bigint NOT NULL,
    updated timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    published timestamp without time zone,
    permalink character varying(255),
    cust_meta jsonb


  • For all articles with type_id equal to 1 (type_id = 1):

      "EQ": {
         "type_id": 1

    Same structure is for:

    Condition JSON KEY Symbol JSON Query
    Less than LT < {"LT": {"type_id": 2}}
    Less than or Equal to LE <= {"LE": {"type_id": 2}}
    Greater than GT > {"GT": {"type_id": 2}}
    Greater than or Equal to GE >= {"GE": {"type_id": 2}}
    Not equal NE != {"NE": {"type_id": 2}}

For all articles where type_id is in [1, 2, 3], the JSON query will be:

   "IN": {
      "pageviews": [1, 2, 3]

For all articles with pageviews between 10000 and 15000, the JSON query will be (First value in array is the lower limit and the second value is the upper limit):

   "BETWEEN": {
      "pageviews": [10000, 15000]

For all articles where author_ids contains any of 8, 9, 10, the JSON query will be:

      "author_ids": [8, 9, 10]

For all articles where author_ids contains all of 8, 9, the JSON query will be:

      "author_ids": [8, 9]
  • For all articles where title starts with Film Review, the JSON query will be:
      "title": "Film Review"

Complex Queries

  • Complex queryies can contain nested structures of OR or AND or both.

For all articles with pageviews between 10000 and 15000 and whose author_ids contains 8(the author's ID) (in above schema, author_ids is an ArrayField in Postgres), the JSON query will be:

   "AND": [
         "BETWEEN": {
            "pageviews": [10000, 15000]
         "CONTAINS": {
            "author_ids": [8]


  • If there is only one condition, like pageviews > 100, the query can directly contain outermost key as one of EQ, NE, GT, GE, LT, LE, STARTSWITH, CONTAINS, CONTAINS_ALL, CONTAINS_ANY, BETWEEN.


      "title": "Film Review"
  • But if there are more conditions involved, the outermost key must be one of OR, AND and their values must be array of conditions.


         "EQ": {
            "type_id": 1,
         "GE": {
            "pageviews": 10000

Helper for generating query

Querybuilder contains python implementation to generate the above queries without you having to create them by typing lots of dicts in your code.

Below is a query to retrieve all the articles where:

  • pageviews >= 100 and author_ids contains 1
  • OR
  • pageviews <= 1000 and type_id != 2

The JSON will be:

                  "pageviews": 100
                  "author_ids": [1]
                  "pageviews": 1000
                  "type_id": 2

With helpers

from querybuilder.helpers import Field as F, AND, OR
query = OR(
    AND(F("pageviews") >= 100, F("author_id") == 1),
    AND(F("pageviews") <= 1000, F("author_id") != 0)

Example usage with Peewee ORM using builtin extension.

This module contains an implementation for Peewee ORM that takes as arguments, the Peewee model and the JSON query and gives an expression that can be directly passed as an argument in the where() method of the model:

import peewee
from querybuilder.helpers import AND, OR, Field as F
from querybuilder.ext.peewee import get_expression_for

class Article(peewee.Model):
    id = IntegerField(primary_key=True)
    title = CharField(null=False, unique=False, index=True)
    permalink = CharField(default=None, unique=True, null=True)
    type_id = IntegerField(default=1, index=True)
    author_ids = ArrayField(index=True)
    category_ids = ArrayField(default=[], null=True, index=True)
    tags = ArrayField(CharField, null=True, default=[], index=True)
    keywords = ArrayField(CharField, null=True, default=[], index=False)  # SEO
    summary = TextField(null=True)
    content = TextField(default='')
    cover = BinaryJSONField(default={})
    editors_pick = BooleanField(default=False)
    pageviews = BigIntegerField(default=0)
    updated = DateTimeField(null=False, default=datetime.datetime.utcnow)
    published = DateTimeField(null=False, default=None, index=True)
    cust_meta = BinaryJSONField(default={}, index=True)

query = OR(
    AND(F("pageviews") >= 100, F("author_ids").contains(1)),
    AND(F("pageviews") <= 1000, F("type_id") != 0)

expression = get_expression_for(PeeweeModel, query)

articles = Article.select().where(expression).execute()