
Generator based on the QFace library for QtRemoteObjects

qt, ipc, generator
pip install qface-qtro==1.4.1


QFace QtRemoteObjects Generator

Work In Progress

This generator tries to generate a complete micro service solution. It does so by reading the QFace IDL file and generating a client side plugin and a service for each interface. Each module will be bundled into one server with an own service registry where all interfaces from the module will be available.

As a user you can simply import the QML generated plugin and ensure the server side generated stub is being implemented.

The QML plugin will automatically connect to the server, which needs to run when the plugin is loaded.

Each interface service is accessible using the fully qualified name. Different than the REPC the models are also integrated into the service interface as described via the QFace IDL.

Open Issues:

  • Ideally the client side has a mean to start the server on demand.
  • What happens if the customer would like to have only one service registry for all modules (e.g. the whole system)?