
A psycopg2 wrapper using the qmark parameters style

pip install qmarkpg==0.2


A psycopg2 wrapper using the qmark parameters style

The qmarkpg package is a psycopg2 wrapper allowing the use of "qmark" placeholders style for query arguments (i.e. ? instead of %s). There is no support for parameters dictionaries: only positional parameters are allowed.

Adopting "qmark" and dropping support for "format" (i.e. %s) and "pyformat" (i.e. %(name)s) placeholders is not in program for future Psycopg versions; however, maintainers of multi-database environments may find the "qmark" placeholder style more useful for cross-database compatibility: this module is designed to support such requirement without requiring extensive rewriting of application directly using psycopg2.