Instantly create an API and web interface for SQL queries.

pip install qrequest==0.1.1



Instantly create an API and web interface for SQL queries.


qrequest can be installed with pip

$ pip install qrequest

qrequest depends on Flask, which you may need to install first

$ pip install flask

The current version is 0.1.12

Basic Setup

  1. Write SQL queries to return data to the users. Use :keywords for parameters.
  2. Run $ qrequest setup to create sql folder to put your queries and a template settings file
  3. Put the SQL queries in the sql/main directory
  4. Modify the settings file (sql/settings.json) to specify the database driver (name of the python module) and database connection string
  5. Run $ qrequest run to get a website which lets users run any of your queries without installing a thing, as well as an API endpoint for downloading JSON and CSV formatted data.

The settings file looks like this. You can change the website title, description and the port the site runs on

    "sites": {
        "main": {
            "db_connection_string": "<database connection string>",
            "db_driver": "<python module name>"
    "website_description": "Run some queries",
    "website_port_number": 5000,
    "website_title": "qRequest"

Users can view queries through the web interface, and download the json or csv formatted query results.

The URL format for the json endpoint is


The URL format for the CSV endpoint is


As an example, if you have a query called example_query.sql with two parameters (param1 and param2), to run the query with param1=1234 and param2="string", go to


to download a CSV file of the results.

Multiple Sites

qrequest supports multiple database connections, which are called sites. To setup qrequest for multiple sites, pass all the site names as arguments to the setup command. If none are passed, one site called main is created by default.

As an example, to setup two sites called site1 and site2 run

$ qrequest setup site1 site2

This will generate the following settings file

    "sites": {
        "site1": {
            "db_connection_string": "<database connection string>",
            "db_driver": "<python module name>"
        "site2": {
            "db_connection_string": "<database connection string>",
            "db_driver": "<python module name>"
    "website_description": "Run some queries",
    "website_port_number": 5000,
    "website_title": "qRequest"

You can specify different connection strings and database drivers for each site.