
Convolution Smoothed Quantile and Expected Shortfall Regression

pip install quantes==2.0.6


conquer (Convolution Smoothed Quantile Regression)

This package contains two modules: the linear module, which implements convolution smoothed quantile regression in both low and high dimensions, and the joint module, designed for joint quantile and expected shortfall regression. For R implementation, see the conquer package on CRAN (also embedded in quantreg as an alternative approach to fn and pfn).

The low_dim class in the linear module applies a convolution smoothing approach to fit linear quantile regression models, known as conquer. It also constructs normal-based and (multiplier) bootstrap confidence intervals for all slope coefficients. The high_dim class fits sparse quantile regression models in high dimensions via L1-penalized and iteratively reweighted L1-penalized (IRW-L1) conquer methods. The IRW method is inspired by the local linear approximation (LLA) algorithm proposed by Zou & Li (2008) for folded concave penalized estimation, exemplified by the SCAD penalty (Fan & Li, 2001) and the minimax concave penalty (MCP) (Zhang, 2010). Computationally, each weighted l1-penalized conquer estimator is solved using the local adaptive majorize-minimization algorithm (LAMM). For comparison, the proximal ADMM algorithm (pADMM) is also implemented.

The LR class in the joint module fits joint linear quantile and expected shortfall (ES) regression models (Dimitriadis & Bayer, 2019; Patton, Ziegel & Chen, 2019) using either FZ loss minimization (Fissler & Ziegel, 2016) or two-step procedures (Barendse, 2020; Peng & Wang, 2023; He, Tan & Zhou, 2023). For the second step of ES estimation, setting robust=TRUE uses the Huber loss with an adaptively chosen robustification parameter to gain robustness against heavy-tailed error/response; see He, Tan & Zhou (2023) for more details. Moreover, a combination of the iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) algorithm and quadratic programming is utilized to compute non-crossing ES estimates. This ensures that the fitted ES does not exceed the fitted quantile at each observation.

The KRR and ANN classes in the joint module implement two nonparametric methods for joint quantile and expected shortfall regressions: kernel ridge regression (Takeuchi et al, 2006) and neural network regression. For fitting nonparametric QR through the qt() method in both KRR and ANN, there is a smooth option available. When set to TRUE, it uses the Gaussian kernel convoluted check loss. For fitting nonparametric ES regression using nonparametrically generated surrogate response variables, the es() function provides two options: squared loss (robust=FALSE) and the Huber loss (robust=TRUE).


python >= 3.9, numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, cvxopt, qpsolvers, torch
optional: matplotlib


Download the folder conquer (containing linear.py and joint.py) in your working directory, or clone the git repo. and install:

git clone https://github.com/WenxinZhou/conquer.git
python setup.py install


import numpy as np
import numpy.random as rgt
from scipy.stats import t
from conquer.linear import low_dim, high_dim, pADMM

Generate data from a linear model with random covariates. The dimension of the feature/covariate space is p, and the sample size is n. The itercept is 4, and all the p regression coefficients are set as 1 in magnitude. The errors are generated from the t2-distribution (t-distribution with 2 degrees of freedom), centered by subtracting the population Ï„-quantile of t2.

When p < n, the module low_dim constains functions for fitting linear quantile regression models with uncertainty quantification. If the bandwidth h is unspecified, the default value max{0.01, {Ï„(1- Ï„)}^0.5 {(p+log(n))/n}^0.4} is used. The default kernel function is Laplacian. Other choices are Gaussian, Logistic, Uniform and Epanechnikov.

n, p = 8000, 400
itcp, beta = 4, np.ones(p)
tau, t_df = 0.75, 2

X = rgt.normal(0, 1.5, size=(n,p))
Y = itcp + X.dot(beta) + rgt.standard_t(t_df, n) - t.ppf(tau, t_df)

qr = low_dim(X, Y, intercept=True)
model = qr.fit(tau=tau)

# model['beta'] : conquer estimate (intercept & slope coefficients).
# model['res'] : n-vector of fitted residuals.
# model['niter'] : number of iterations.
# model['bw'] : bandwidth.

At each quantile level Ï„, the norm_ci and boot_ci methods provide four 100* (1-alpha)% confidence intervals (CIs) for regression coefficients: (i) normal distribution calibrated CI using estimated covariance matrix, (ii) percentile bootstrap CI, (iii) pivotal bootstrap CI, and (iv) normal-based CI using bootstrap variance estimates. For multiplier/weighted bootstrap implementation with boot_ci, the default weight distribution is Exponential. Other choices are Rademacher, Multinomial (Efron's nonparametric bootstrap), Gaussian, Uniform and Folded-normal. The latter two require a variance adjustment; see Remark 4.7 in Paper.

n, p = 500, 20
itcp, beta = 4, np.ones(p)
tau, t_df = 0.75, 2

X = rgt.normal(0, 1.5, size=(n,p))
Y = itcp + X.dot(beta) + rgt.standard_t(t_df, n) - t.ppf(tau, t_df)

qr = low_dim(X, Y, intercept=True)
model1 = qr.norm_ci(tau=tau)
model2 = qr.mb_ci(tau=tau)

# model1['normal_ci'] : p+1 by 2 numpy array of normal CIs based on estimated asymptotic covariance matrix.
# model2['percentile_ci'] : p+1 by 2 numpy array of bootstrap percentile CIs.
# model2['pivotal_ci'] : p+1 by 2 numpy array of bootstrap pivotal CIs.
# model2['normal_ci'] : p+1 by 2 numpy array of normal CIs based on bootstrap variance estimates.

The module high_dim contains functions that fit high-dimensional sparse quantile regression models through the LAMM algorithm. The default bandwidth value is max{0.05, {Ï„(1- Ï„)}^0.5 { log(p)/n}^0.25}. To choose the penalty level, the self_tuning function implements the simulation-based approach proposed by Belloni & Chernozhukov (2011). The l1 and irw functions compute L1- and IRW-L1-penalized conquer estimators, respectively. For the latter, the default concave penality is SCAD with constant a=3.7 (Fan & Li, 2001). Given a sequence of penalty levels, the solution paths can be computed by l1_path and irw_path.

p, n = 1028, 256
tau = 0.8
itcp, beta = 4, np.zeros(p)
beta[:15] = [1.8, 0, 1.6, 0, 1.4, 0, 1.2, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1.2, 0, -1.6]

X = rgt.normal(0, 1, size=(n,p))
Y = itcp + X@beta  + rgt.standard_t(2,size=n) - t.ppf(tau,df=2)

sqr = high_dim(X, Y, intercept=True)
lambda_max = np.max(sqr.self_tuning(tau))
lambda_seq = np.linspace(0.25*lambda_max, lambda_max, num=20)

## l1-penalized conquer
l1_model = sqr.l1(tau=tau, Lambda=0.75*lambda_max)

## iteratively reweighted l1-penalized conquer (default is SCAD penality)
irw_model = sqr.irw(tau=tau, Lambda=0.75*lambda_max)

## solution path of l1-penalized conquer
l1_path = sqr.l1_path(tau=tau, lambda_seq=lambda_seq)

## solution path of irw-l1-penalized conquer
irw_path = sqr.irw_path(tau=tau, lambda_seq=lambda_seq)

## model selection via bootstrap
boot_model = sqr.boot_select(tau=tau, Lambda=0.75*lambda_max, weight="Multinomial")
print('Selected model via bootstrap:', boot_model['majority_vote'])
print('True model:', np.where(beta!=0)[0])

The module pADMM has a similar functionality to high_dim. It employs the proximal ADMM algorithm to solve weighted L1-penalized quantile regression (without smoothing).

lambda_max = np.max(high_dim(X, Y, intercept=True).self_tuning(tau))
lambda_seq = np.linspace(0.25*lambda_max, lambda_max, num=20)
admm = pADMM(X, Y, intercept=True)

## l1-penalized QR
l1_admm = admm.l1(tau=tau, Lambda=0.5*lambda_max)

## iteratively reweighted l1-penalized QR (default is SCAD penality)
irw_admm = admm.irw(tau=tau, Lambda=0.75*lambda_max)

## solution path of l1-penalized QR
l1_admm_path = admm.l1_path(tau=tau, lambda_seq=lambda_seq)

## solution path of irw-l1-penalized QR
irw_admm_path = admm.irw_path(tau=tau, lambda_seq=lambda_seq)

The class LR in conquer.joint contains functions that fit joint (linear) quantile and expected shortfall models. The joint_fit function computes joint quantile and ES regression estimates based on FZ loss minimization (Fissler & Ziegel, 2016). The twostep_fit function implements two-stage procesures to compute quantile and ES regression estimates, with the ES part depending on a user-specified loss. Options are L2, TrunL2, FZ and Huber. The nc_fit function computes non-crossing counterparts of the ES estimates when loss = L2 or Huber.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import numpy.random as rgt
from quantes.joint import LR

p, n = 10, 5000
tau = 0.1
beta  = np.ones(p)
gamma = np.r_[0.5*np.ones(2), np.zeros(p-2)]

X = rgt.uniform(0, 2, size=(n,p))
Y = 2 + X @ beta + (X @ gamma) * rgt.normal(0, 1, n)

lm = LR(X, Y)
## two-step least squares
m1 = lm.twostep_fit(tau=tau, loss='L2')

## two-step truncated least squares
m2 = lm.twostep_fit(tau=tau, loss='TrunL2')

## two-step FZ loss minimization
m3 = lm.twostep_fit(tau=tau, loss='FZ', G2_type=1)

## two-step adaptive Huber 
m4 = lm.twostep_fit(tau=tau, loss='Huber')

## non-crossing two-step least squares
m5 = lm.nc_fit(tau=tau, loss='L2')

## non-crossing two-step adaHuber
m6 = lm.nc_fit(tau=tau, loss='Huber')

## joint quantes regression via FZ loss minimization (G1=0)
m7 = lm.joint_fit(tau=tau, G1=False, G2_type=1, refit=False)

## joint quantes regression via FZ loss minimization (G1(x)=x)
m8 = lm.joint_fit(tau=tau, G1=True, G2_type=1, refit=False)

out = pd.DataFrame(np.c_[(m1['coef_e'], m2['coef_e'], m3['coef_e'], m4['coef_e'], 
                          m5['coef_e'], m6['coef_e'], m7['coef_e'], m8['coef_e'])], 
                   columns=['L2', 'TLS', 'FZ', 'AH', 'NC-L2', 'NC-AH', 'Joint0', 'Joint1'])


Fernandes, M., Guerre, E. and Horta, E. (2021). Smoothing quantile regressions. J. Bus. Econ. Statist. 39(1) 338–357. Paper

He, X., Tan, K. M. and Zhou, W.-X. (2023). Robust estimation and inference for expected shortfall regression with many regressors. J. R. Stat. Soc. B. 85(4) 1223-1246. Paper

He, X., Pan, X., Tan, K. M. and Zhou, W.-X. (2023). Smoothed quantile regression with large-scale inference. J. Econom. 232(2) 367-388. Paper

Koenker, R. (2005). Quantile Regression. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Book

Pan, X., Sun, Q. and Zhou, W.-X. (2021). Iteratively reweighted l1-penalized robust regression. Electron. J. Stat. 15(1) 3287-3348. Paper

Tan, K. M., Wang, L. and Zhou, W.-X. (2022). High-dimensional quantile regression: convolution smoothing and concave regularization. J. R. Stat. Soc. B. 84(1) 205-233. Paper


This package is released under the GPL-3.0 license.