Quick and simple back-end infrastructure

pip install quickbe==4.2.1


Quick back-end

What is Quickbe

Quickbe is a Python library that enables you to deliver quick back-end components. If you are a technical founder or a developer, use this package to build everything you need to launch and grow high-quality SaaS application. Every SaaS application needs these components

  • Micro-services
  • Web-services or APIs
  • Web-hooks receivers
  • Central vault

Why Python

It has a strong community, it is fast to learn, it has lots of tools to process and analyze data ... and data is a major key for building a good app :-)

Web server

Develop your endpoint as functions with annotations for routing and validation.

@endpoint(path='hello', validation={'name': {'type': 'string', 'required': True}})
def say_hello(session: HttpSession):
    name = session.get_parameter('name')
    if name is None:
        name = ''
    return f'Hello {name}'

Run them using Flask or as AWS Lambda function without any changes to your code.

Build in endpoints

  • /health - Returns 200 if every thing is OK (e.g: {"status":"OK","timestamp":"2022-07-25 06:18:54.214674"})
  • /<access_key>/set_log_level/<level> - Set log level
  • /<access_key>/quickbe-server-info - Get verbose info on the server (endpoints and packages)
  • /<access_key>/quickbe-server-status - Get server status (uptime, memory utilization, request per seconds and log info)
  • /<access_key>/quickbe-server-environ - Get all environment variables keys and values