
qurcol (as in 'query columnar ...') is a command line tool that enables its users to quickly explore the content of a file in a column-oriented storage format

pip install qurcol==1.0.0


qurcol - view, query and convert columnar storage files from command line

qurcol (as in "query columnar ...") is a tool that enables its users to quickly explore the content of a file in a column-oriented storage format (like Apache Parquet, for example), using command line only and without the need for more complex software like Spark or Pandas.

It allows viewing the file content, schema, querying the content with SQL and converting the data to CSV.

This tool only targets the use case of a basic exploration of a file content. The author believes that aforementioned Spark, Pandas, etc. should be used instead in any scenario which goes beyond that.


Command line tool to:

  • view a columnar file content
  • print a columnar file schema
  • convert a columnar file to a CSV file
  • run SQL queries on the data from a columnar file

List of supported columnar file formats:

Users should be aware of the size of the source files and keep in mind that the file is read in memory when being processed by this tool.


This software is generally available. This software is intended to be used in command line by individual users. It is not intended for use in a production environment.

The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


Install from PyPI:

pip install [--user] qurcol

Alternatively, you can download a release from the Release page in GitHub.


Built-in help provides detailed usage information with examples:

qurcol --help

Few examples are given below to demonstrate the usage. Please, refer to the built-in help for all details though (it is not practical to keep a duplicate of the "help" in this README).

Print an extract (few first rows, few last rows) of the file content:

qurcol view [[--head=N] [--tail=N] | [--all]] [--output=table|csv] FILE

For example, view to the snippet of a file content:

qurcol view FILE

or, export entire file in CSV format:

qurcol --all --output=csv FILE > OUTPUT_FILE

Print the file schema:

qurcol schema [--output=table|csv] FILE

Run an inline SQL query on the file content:

qurcol sql -c FILE "QUERY"

SQL syntax

qurcol sql command loads the file into an in-memory SQLite database. Therefore, data types and SQL syntax are those of SQLite v.3. The command will attempt its best to map the data types from the source file to the data types available in SQLite, but users should be aware of the fact that SQLite data types are often less expressive (for example, there is no data type to represent date/time information).

Data is loaded into a table with the name data.

Finally, for a complete example, the following command:

qurcol sql -c --output=csv FILE "select * from data"

will have same effect as:

qurcol view --all --output=csv FILE


Here are few sample use cases:

  • As a Data Engineer I want to review the schema of a file in a data lake, in order to consume them accordingly in my software.

  • As a Data Ops Engineer I want to review the content of the sample file from a data lake, in order to ensure that the data is being produced into it.

  • As a Data Engineer I want to query some data from a file in a data lake, in order to review/confirm the properties of the data I am going to use.

  • As a Product Manager I want to load into a spreadsheet the .parquet file shared with me by Data Science team, in order to review its content.

Not features

For any tool it is equally important to know what can and and what cannot be done with it. Following potential features were considered for inclusion but decided to be not in the current scope of this tool, unless a clear use case is defined for them.

  • Conversion to other "complex" data formats (e.g. Excel), because it will add more dependencies to the tool, while CSV can be imported to a spreadsheet easily.

  • Reading data from files in other "file systems" (HDFS, S3, etc.), because there exist command line tools to "dowload" data from these.

  • Any advanced data exploration and plotting, because there is no single way to do that. You may use a combination of Jupyter, Pandas and Seaborn instead, for example.

  • Any advanced form of querying the data that goes beyond SQL. You may use Pandas or Apache Spark instead, for example.


Contributions are very welcome. Please, feel free to submit an issue or create a Pull Request.

Development environment

This software is written in Python 3, and has a modern development environment that depends on Poetry and Nox.

Run all tests:

nox -s tests

Or, to quickly run tests on a single Python version only:

poetry run pytest --cov

Run linters:

nox lint

Reformat code:

nox -s black

Or, check code format without reformatting:

nox -s black -- --check .

Full pre-commit check:


Note: Nox is configured to reuse virtualenvs by default; if you want to run Nox in a clean environment, add --no-reuse-existing-virtualenvs argument.

Criteria for Pull Requests

  • The PR should pass on CI. CI is configured to run all essential controls (tests, flake8, mypy, black). You can easily run same controls in a local development environment before the PR submission.

  • Beyond code formatting, please, try to stick to the overall code style, such as the choice of variable names, code structure, etc.


Licensed under the Apache License v2.0.