
Redis datastore library

pip install radishsalad==0.1.0



Radishsalad is simple lib for work with redis datastore in more pythonic way.


It include String, Hash, List and Set classes, that represent redis datatypes. You need to initialize datatype with key:

>>> dt.List('main stream').append('Blogger Navalniy discovered new corruption scheme in Russia!')
>>> list(dt.List('main stream'))
['Blogger Navalniy discovered new corruption scheme in Russia!']
>>> up = dt.Hash('0:user profile')
>>> up['name'] = 'deepwalker'
>>> dict(up)
{'name': 'deepwalker'}
>>> 'name' in up
>>> friends = dt.Set('friends')
>>> friends.add(1929340)
>>> set(friends)
>>> 1929340 in friends


Radishsalad has models module that is not positioned as Django ORM thing. Its just helper for keys name generation. So you create an model:

>>> from radishsalad import models as m
>>> class User(m.Model):
...      name = m.String()
...      name2 = m.Index('un')
...      subscribers = m.Set()
...      profile = m.Hash()
...      messages = m.List()
...      read = m.List()

And for using you need initialize it with key:

>>> user = User(1000)

Now you have user instance, and you can get keys for it members:

>>> user.name.get_key()


Library does not return you a string instance instead of String objects, due String has get_key method, that can be usefull in pair with redis.mget:

>>> from radishsalad.connection import get_redis
>>> r = get_redis()
>>> r.mset(dict((User(i).name.get_key(), i) for i in xrange(40)))
>>> r.mget(User(i).name.get_key() for i in xrange(40))
['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', ... '38', '39']


In addition we have handy Index field. Everytime when save it, you have index record created. Example:

>>> u = User(1000)
>>> u.name2 = 'ronaldinio'

When we save 'ronaldinio' in name2, additional values saved with key 'un:user:ronaldinio' and value '1000'.

>>> User.name2.get_for('ronaldinio')
<__main__.User object at 0x7f56b40dc190>
>>> User.name2.get_for('ronaldinio').id

Call get_for method of index attribute return object for given string.


Models have special class method for create instances with prefetched String fields over redis MGET method.

So, example:

>>> User.from_seq(xrange(40))
[<__main__.User object at 0x7f745bc72d90>, ...]
>>> [str(u.name) for u in users]
['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', ...]

All name attributes fetched with one mget call. Most interesting that if we have more then one String attribute, from_seq will fetch it all for all ids with one mget.

All data we keep in instance cache attribute:

>>> [u.cache for u in users]
[{'name': '0'}, {'name': '1'}, {'name': '2'},