AI assisted treatments accessible to all

ai, dicom, iec-62304, iec-62366, iso-13485, iso-14971, medical-physics, ml, pynetdicom, python, radiation-oncology, radiation-physics, radiation-therapy, radiotherapy, segmentation
pip install rai==0.0.2


rai, RadiotherapyAI's non-clinical open source autocontouring library

This Open Source Unregulated Software is provided in the hope that it might be useful but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. It is not intended for clinical use, and is instead intended for research use only.

If you are looking for the Regulated Medical Device, RAIContours, that is based upon the source code within this repository, when it has completed its regulatory approval, it will be available for download directly from Prior to regulatory approval, you may be able to utilise RAIContours under a clinical trial notification or equivalent. If you are interested in undergoing a clinical trial with RAIContours please reach out to


Create an AI Software as a Medical Device that saves lives built entirely from open source software. Being a part of making it easier for researchers to translate from "bench-top to bedside", helping anyone to build regulated tools that go on to save more lives than any one of us alone could ever hope to achieve.


This open source research library is able to be installed by running:

pip install rai

The regulatory documentation

All of the regulatory documentation is available under a creative commons license and is built upon the amazing templates provided by OpenRegulatory.

The source code for the regulatory documentation is available within the docs directory. The online rendering of the documentation is viewable at

The regulatory task is currently a work in progress. Right now I am just learning the regulatory ropes while putting all of my warts up here for all to see. There will be mistakes. If you find them please let me know. Also, if you want to help out, please get in touch. My email address is