
A random data loader which loads random data to a user input MySQL or sqlite3 database

pip install randomdataloader==0.1.1.dev1



Introduction: After every web app that we build (either projects or apps) we need to make sure that we’ve met all the business requirements in terms of functionality. We can load the test data manually for small projects but if the project has become large in terms of functionality then it’ll be very strenuous for the developers to do the same. While we need to check for functionality wouldn’t it be nice to have some preloaded data into DB tables just by running few commands ? This module aims at solving this problem.

Requirements: ­ OS ­ Linux flavour Ubuntu 16.x (Preferred) / Windows 7 (or higher) ­ Python version ­ 2.7.13 or latest. Follow PEP8 guidelines (required)
­ Framework to be used on­ Django 1.11.x (check if this is necessary) ­ Libraries to be used ­ pip, virtualenv, django, simplejson, etc.. ­ Versioning ­ GIT (required).

Expected Exposure to Technologies: After the successful completion of this module candidate will be able to learn a great deal about :
­ How to write an efficient Python code and it’s best practices. ­ Decision making on which Data Structure is most suitable for this purpose. ­ Inner workings of Django a s the candidate will learn to run Django command line, include middlewares, etc and it’s best practices. ­ How to build a pip installable module and publish it worldwide. ­ Where the candidate needs to improve for him/her to be good software developer. ­ Joy of contributing to software world for free.

Expected Functionality From the Project: The candidate is expected to work on the following minimum requirements to be considered as successful completion of the project while we set no upper bounds (perhaps we welcome such attitude). This module should be : ­ working on Django projects ( could be exploded later for other frameworks ). ­ able to generate data as JSON file depending on models. ­ able to load the data by reading from JSON file. ­ able to flush the test data from DB and also JSON files. ­ this should be pip installable (host it on p ypi) ­ whole steps of generating/loading/deleting it should be f rom django command line arguments.