
Make any module attributes read only.

python, readonly
pip install readonly==0.1.2



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readonly is a python package that acts as an alternative to frozenset, but for dictionaries.

🛠️ Requirements

readonly requires Python 3.9 or above.

To install Python 3.9, I recommend using pyenv.

# install pyenv
git clone ~/.pyenv

# setup pyenv (you should also put these three lines in .bashrc or similar)
# if you are using zsh
cat << EOF >> ~/.zshrc
# pyenv config
export PATH="${HOME}/.pyenv/bin:${PATH}"
export PYENV_ROOT="${HOME}/.pyenv"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"

# or if you using the default bash shell, do this instead:
cat << EOF >> ~/.bashrc
# pyenv config
export PATH="${HOME}/.pyenv/bin:${PATH}"
export PYENV_ROOT="${HOME}/.pyenv"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
# Close and open a new shell session
# install Python 3.9.10
pyenv install 3.9.10

# make it available globally
pyenv global system 3.9.10

To manage the Python 3.9 virtualenv, I recommend using poetry.

# install poetry
curl -sSL | python3 -
poetry --version
Poetry version 1.1.13

# Having the python executable in your PATH, you can use it:
poetry env use 3.9.10

# However, you are most likely to get the following issue:
Creating virtualenv readonly-dxc671ba-py3.9 in ~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs


No module named 'virtualenv.seed.via_app_data'

at <frozen importlib._bootstrap>:973 in _find_and_load_unlocked

# To resolve it, you need to reinstall virtualenv through pip
sudo apt remove --purge python3-virtualenv virtualenv
python3 -m pip install -U virtualenv

# Now, you can just use the minor Python version in this case:
poetry env use 3.9.10
Using virtualenv: ~/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/readonly-dxc671ba-py3.9

🚨 Installation

With pip:

python3.9 -m pip install readonly

🚸 Usage

>>> from readonly import readonly
>>> import math
>>> math = readonly(math)

# raises AttributeError
>>> math.pi = 3.0

🎉 Credits

The following projects were used to build and test readonly.

👋 Contribute

If you are looking for a way to contribute to the project, please refer to the Guideline.

📝 License

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms and conditions of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.