A library to manipulate batches of examples

pip install redcat==0.0.19a0



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PYPI version Python BSD-3-Clause Code style: black Doc style: google
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  • BatchedTensor and BatchedTensorSeq must behave like torch.Tensor
  • BatchedArray and BatchedArraySeq must behave like numpy.ndarray
  • BatchedTensor (resp. BatchedTensorSeq) does not have to behave like BatchedArray ( resp. BatchedArraySeq)


We highly recommend installing a virtual environment. redcat can be installed from pip using the following command:

pip install redcat

To make the package as slim as possible, only the minimal packages required to use redcat are installed. To include all the dependencies, you can use the following command:

pip install redcat[all]

Please check the get started page to see how to install only some specific dependencies or other alternatives to install the library. The following is the corresponding redcat versions and supported Python, PyTorch and NumPy versions.

redcat coola numpy torch python
main >=0.3,<0.4 >=1.22,<2.0 >=1.11,<3.0 >=3.9,<3.13
0.0.18 >=0.0.20,<0.2 >=1.22,<2.0 >=1.11,<3.0 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.17 >=0.0.20,<0.0.25 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.2 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.16 >=0.0.20,<0.0.24 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.15 >=0.0.20,<0.0.24 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.14 >=0.0.20,<0.0.24 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12
older versions
redcat coola numpy torch python
0.0.13 >=0.0.20,<0.0.24 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.12 >=0.0.20,<0.0.24 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.11 >=0.0.20,<0.0.24 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.10 >=0.0.20,<0.0.24 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.9 >=0.0.20,<0.0.24 >=1.22,<1.27 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12
0.0.8 >=0.0.20,<0.0.21 >=1.21,<1.26 >=1.11,<2.1 >=3.9,<3.12


Please check the instructions in CONTRIBUTING.md.

API stability

⚠️ While redcat is in development stage, no API is guaranteed to be stable from one release to the next. In fact, it is very likely that the API will change multiple times before a stable 1.0.0 release. In practice, this means that upgrading redcat to a new version will possibly break any code that was using the old version of redcat.


redcat is licensed under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license available in LICENSE file.

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