
Some fault tolerance over Redis lists

pip install redis-queue-pyclj==0.2.1



A set of tiny libraries that implements some fault tolerance over Redis lists. The original idea can be found here.

I'll put here a simplified description of the idea later.

Suppose you have a Redis list as queue, where messages IDs are lpushed by an application and rpoped by workers. What does happen if a worker crashes while processing the message? There probably are a lot of possible strategies to solve this problem, specially now that Redis allows atomic operations written in Lua. This tiny library just implements one of this strategies, with available interface for some different languages.


Python (the latest version for Python is 0.2.1):

pip install redis-queue-pyclj

Clojure (Leiningen):

[redis-queue-clj "0.1.0"]


A summary of the idea:

  • An application posts a message ID 123 into the queue.
  • Calling safe_pop will return the ID, but with a side effect: the ID is lpushed with a timestamp into the same queue, becoming 123|1417696237.
  • If another worker uses safe_pop at this time, this function checks if the ID 123 is a member of the done set (created by another function, as described later) or if the timestamp indicates that its processing is late.
    • if 123 is a member of the done set, the ID is just discarded and removed from the done set.
    • if the timestamp indicates lateness, the ID is returned to the worker and lpushed again to the queue with a new timestamp.
    • otherwise, the same ID and timestamp is just lpushed again into the queue.
  • When a worker finishes the message processing, it adds the message ID to the done set using mark_done. It's very important to give this signal when the message isn't useful anymore, otherwise, its ID can be never removed from the queue.

For now, all implementations offer two useful functions, safe_pop and mark_done.

Known issues

The functions are not using Lua script yet, so the operations are not atomic (and not completely safe).


Copyright © 2014 Andre A. Boechat

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.