
Retrieves Git repo branch information synchronously

git, repository, branch, information
pip install repov==0.6



This is a simple script that retrieves basic version information from the Git repository state using a synchronous call. This can be used to print version numbers for staging (non-live) purposes.

This is the Python version of the same package for Node/Javascript, by the same author.


This package is available on PyPI:

pip install repov

The source is available on Github.


Import the module and run repov.get_version() to get started:

import repov
version = repov.get_version()
print(version)  # e.g. master-27-7072898

In this example, we're on the master branch, the 27th commit, identified by the short hash 7072898.

You can pass a template to get_version() to get customized output. Use a string as argument containing the variables you want in between % signs. The default template is %branch-any%-%count%-%hash%. Any variable that is for some reason unavailable will be replaced with (unknown):

repov.get_version('%branch%')       # master
repov.get_version('%branch-any%')   # (depends on situation, see below)
repov.get_version('%branch-all%')   # HEAD, origin/master, master
repov.get_version('%count%')        # 27
repov.get_version('%count-hex%')    # 1b
repov.get_version('%hash%')         # 7072898
repov.get_version('%hash-full%')    # 7072898a6a04f867c7d7b8a8aa4249a8d408bc0a
repov.get_version('%foobar%')       # (unknown)
repov.get_version('%last-commit%')  # 2017-04-04 10:07:25 (last commit in UTC)
repov.get_raw('last-commit')        # datetime.datetime(2017, 4, 4, 10, 7, 25)

The %branch-any% variable is the most versatile. The following is returned depending on the situation:

  • local branch: master
  • remote tracking branch (in sync): master
  • remote tracking branch (not in sync): remotes/origin/feature-foo
  • tag: v1.2.3
  • general detached head: v1.0.6-5-g2393761

If the git command itself is unusable for some reason, all variables will become (unknown).


To change the Git command:

repov.Parser.git_cmd = '../../some/path/git'

To change the fallback string used for variables that couldn't be computed:

repov.Parser.unknown_segment = '(N/A)'  # default: '(unknown)'

You can also add your own Git commands to run using repoV.repov_parser.merge_git_args(). See the included file for an example of how to do this.


MIT licensed.